People opinions on latest speech:
1. Carolyn McLaughlin : “ Obama’s gonna get ya!”
2. Jules Crittenden: “But seriously, we have just witnessed an extraordinary exercise in presidential oratorical animation that may be without peer or precedent. Can it be said that any American president has ever tried to blame so much on other people, or has been willing to so rapidly abandon his own principles for the betterment of his standing with the people, to seize up the banner against himself in our nation’s time of need, that this nation should not stand against him? For this, the president deserves our unabashed, gaga-eyed astonishment
3. This guy hasn’t gotten one single thing done since Porklulus was passed 11 months ago, and he just doubled down. Well, you know what? Who cares how much is in the pot when it’s other people’s money?”
4. the Democratic applause and cheering seemed rather forced, too. Plus, I don’t think his public scolding of the Supreme Court was very Presidential — or, for that matter, very smart.
5. Obama SOTU 2010 First Person Singular Pronoun Count
I – 96 times in 70 minutes , me – 8 times
6. “’I have embraced the vision of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.’ Okay. Except you embraced the competence of Jimmy Carter & Herbert Hoover.”
7. “We’ve all done something very naughty if this is the government we deserve.”
8. “The guy who just bragged of his (mysterious) 25 tax cuts just ragged on the Bush tax cuts.”
9. I would have suggested drinking every time POTUS hisses, but we’d be passed out by now. If it hisses like a snake, talks like a snake…
10. “The theory is that there is a discrepancy between trends in knowledge and power. Power in the United States is remarkably concentrated. We are creating increasingly specialized knowledge, which means that the information needed to make good decisions is located outside of Washington, D.C. And yet we have a central government attempting to do for 300 million people what governments in places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Denmark, and Switzerland do for many fewer people.” I also think that the people governing us have become objectively dumber over the last 50 years or so.
11. “When you hear the president of the United States demagoguing the First Amendment, you sit there and you take it, son.”
12. Wall Street may not want it, but Obama wants war with them. Yes, he’s an idiot for wanting to attack Wall Street — from which he has gotten far too much money to make his attacks look like anything but self-serving demagoguery — but that’s his take. My advice: As a great leader once said, Get in his face! Push back twice as hard!
13. “It is difficult to catalog just how many contradictions there were in the President’s State of the Union address. A President calling for bipartisanship and an end to the permanent campaign gave a speech that was–in tone and in substance–a campaign speech. A President calling for unity gave a speech that practically cried out ‘all the bad stuff that happened was George W. Bush’s fault!’. A President calling for a renewal of national purpose spent large amounts of time playing class warfare games, and seeking to turn Americans against Wall Street.”
14. DON SURBER: Justice Alito’s You Lie Moment. “The mouthing of words was one of the few newsworthy moments in a speech that dragged on for more than an hour as Obama grasped at any and all straws in a desperate attempt to salvage his presidency. He failed. He has become an uninspiring speaker who has used up all his magic. Quantity cannot make up for quality.”
15. Had to shut it off after I counted 37? lies... about 40 minutes into it. No accountability for Heusain.
16. He failed. He has become an uninspiring speaker who has used up all his magic. Quantity cannot make up for quality
17. Regarding the global warming hoax : To be sure, this was a "to be sure" sentence: The president went on to say global warming is worth fighting even if imaginary. EVEN IF IMAGINARY!!