1. Barry. Sit down and listen. NOBODY likes a whiner. Grow up you pussy. You're a spoiled little brat.
2. Yes, he's a political chameleon - or, in other words, two-faced. At some point, the rubber meets the road, and people find out he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. I don't think the American people have generally liked that in politicians!
3. Obama always needs villains or scapegoats to cover for his own failures, and with the Bush-is-bad argument losing its resonance, Wall Street bankers will have to be the villains of the day.
4. Is there anything that this man says that people actually believe? If one critically evaluates the number of lies that Obama has uttered, as evidenced between what he said on the campaign trail and what he has said and done in office, the man could easily be labeled a pathological liar. Comparatively, Clinton was a choir boy.
5. I’d say something about drinking a shot for every time he refers to himself tonight, but I don’t want to be responsible for killing anyone.
6. It's absolutely based on the fact that the modern politician will not suffer pain in his watch for gain on some later politician's watch.
7. Obama is indeed a gifted and effective speechmaker," the AP reports from New York. There's just one problem;Even admirers have a hard time remembering what he actually says.
Ted Widmer, who edited an anthology of political speeches for the Library of America, praised President Obama for his "masterful" style, but could not cite a specific line the president said. Similar observations were made by Jeff Shesol, David Frum and Harry C. McPherson, who wrote speeches for presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Lyndon Johnson, respectively.
"The speech he made in Cairo--I remember the intelligence, the breadth and the reasonableness," McPherson says. "But I can't tell you--and this is one of the shortcomings of the kind of speech he makes--I can't quote anything, or cite anything, off the top of my head
8. Massachusetts new law. That's right--government mandated toothbrushing.
No not you, silly. The kids.
The state Department of Early Education & Care is requiring all children in day care longer than four hours and/or who eat a meal to have their teeth brushed on-site.
9. Change is a euphuism for big government.
10. and the 1. New York Times reports on how he plans to respond:
When Mr. Obama presents his first State of the Union address on Wednesday evening, aides said he would accept responsibility, though not necessarily blame, for failing to deliver swiftly on some of the changes he promised a year ago. But he will not, aides said, accede to criticism that his priorities are out of step with the nation's. WOW, RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT BLAME!
11. London Daily Mail :"Employer Told Not to Post Advert for 'Reliable' Workers Because It Discriminates Against 'Unreliable' Applicants"--headline, 'Even the woman at the jobcentre agreed it was ridiculous but explained it was policy because they could get sued for being dicriminatory against unreliable people.
1. Barry. Sit down and listen. NOBODY likes a whiner. Grow up you pussy. You're a spoiled little brat.
2. Yes, he's a political chameleon - or, in other words, two-faced. At some point, the rubber meets the road, and people find out he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. I don't think the American people have generally liked that in politicians!
3. Obama always needs villains or scapegoats to cover for his own failures, and with the Bush-is-bad argument losing its resonance, Wall Street bankers will have to be the villains of the day.
4. Is there anything that this man says that people actually believe? If one critically evaluates the number of lies that Obama has uttered, as evidenced between what he said on the campaign trail and what he has said and done in office, the man could easily be labeled a pathological liar. Comparatively, Clinton was a choir boy.
5. I’d say something about drinking a shot for every time he refers to himself tonight, but I don’t want to be responsible for killing anyone.
6. It's absolutely based on the fact that the modern politician will not suffer pain in his watch for gain on some later politician's watch.
7. Obama is indeed a gifted and effective speechmaker," the AP reports from New York. There's just one problem;Even admirers have a hard time remembering what he actually says.
Ted Widmer, who edited an anthology of political speeches for the Library of America, praised President Obama for his "masterful" style, but could not cite a specific line the president said. Similar observations were made by Jeff Shesol, David Frum and Harry C. McPherson, who wrote speeches for presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Lyndon Johnson, respectively.
"The speech he made in Cairo--I remember the intelligence, the breadth and the reasonableness," McPherson says. "But I can't tell you--and this is one of the shortcomings of the kind of speech he makes--I can't quote anything, or cite anything, off the top of my head
8. Massachusetts new law. That's right--government mandated toothbrushing.
No not you, silly. The kids.
The state Department of Early Education & Care is requiring all children in day care longer than four hours and/or who eat a meal to have their teeth brushed on-site.
9. Change is a euphuism for big government.
10. and the 1. New York Times reports on how he plans to respond:
When Mr. Obama presents his first State of the Union address on Wednesday evening, aides said he would accept responsibility, though not necessarily blame, for failing to deliver swiftly on some of the changes he promised a year ago. But he will not, aides said, accede to criticism that his priorities are out of step with the nation's. WOW, RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT BLAME!
11. London Daily Mail :"Employer Told Not to Post Advert for 'Reliable' Workers Because It Discriminates Against 'Unreliable' Applicants"--headline, 'Even the woman at the jobcentre agreed it was ridiculous but explained it was policy because they could get sued for being dicriminatory against unreliable people.
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