Hint 3 out of 5 are idiots.
1. "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid" - Gen Eisenhower.
2. Danny Glover "The threat of what happened to Haiti is the threat that can happen anywhere in the Caribbean to these (other) island nations, you know. They're all in peril because of global warming, they're all in peril because of climate change, and all of this. And we need to find this, this when we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I'm sayin'?"
3. As Rahm Emanuel and others in the Democratic Party have said, ‘…don’t worry about the left. They will fall in line….they have no choice.’
4. New York Times doctors quote:
Original version: “If he’s running against 60 votes and wins, that is not good,” said Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska. “It says that in Massachusetts, they are willing to elect a guy who doesn’t believe in evolution just to keep the Democrats from having 60 votes.”The Kerrey “evolution” quote was originally published in a New York Times article but it seems to have disappeared, although several papers and bloggers still show it in their reprints and blogs. Here’s the current quote in the New York Times article:
“If he’s running against 60 votes and wins, that is not good,” said Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska.”
4. More, Patrick Kennedy: "One thing the Democrats have done wrong? We haven't kept the focus on this disaster on the Republicans who brought it upon us. We've tried too hard to do the right thing, and that's to fix it, as opposed to spend more of our time and energy pointing the finger at who got us [here] in the first place.” He seems to miss Obama’s perpetually pointing finger.
5. Jack Shaeffer “Why the g*ddamn hell is Barack Obama writing the cover story for next week’s Newsweek (which, like Slate, is owned by the Washington Post Co.)? He doesn’t know anything about Haiti outside of what his aides may have told him. He won’t even write it! If the piece is worth publishing, Newsweek should give the byline to its true author.” That would establish an ugly precedent where politicians’ pieces are concerned. . . .
Hint 3 out of 5 are idiots.
1. "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid" - Gen Eisenhower.
2. Danny Glover "The threat of what happened to Haiti is the threat that can happen anywhere in the Caribbean to these (other) island nations, you know. They're all in peril because of global warming, they're all in peril because of climate change, and all of this. And we need to find this, this when we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I'm sayin'?"
3. As Rahm Emanuel and others in the Democratic Party have said, ‘…don’t worry about the left. They will fall in line….they have no choice.’
4. New York Times doctors quote:
Original version: “If he’s running against 60 votes and wins, that is not good,” said Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska. “It says that in Massachusetts, they are willing to elect a guy who doesn’t believe in evolution just to keep the Democrats from having 60 votes.”The Kerrey “evolution” quote was originally published in a New York Times article but it seems to have disappeared, although several papers and bloggers still show it in their reprints and blogs. Here’s the current quote in the New York Times article:
“If he’s running against 60 votes and wins, that is not good,” said Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska.”
4. More, Patrick Kennedy: "One thing the Democrats have done wrong? We haven't kept the focus on this disaster on the Republicans who brought it upon us. We've tried too hard to do the right thing, and that's to fix it, as opposed to spend more of our time and energy pointing the finger at who got us [here] in the first place.” He seems to miss Obama’s perpetually pointing finger.
5. Jack Shaeffer “Why the g*ddamn hell is Barack Obama writing the cover story for next week’s Newsweek (which, like Slate, is owned by the Washington Post Co.)? He doesn’t know anything about Haiti outside of what his aides may have told him. He won’t even write it! If the piece is worth publishing, Newsweek should give the byline to its true author.” That would establish an ugly precedent where politicians’ pieces are concerned. . . .
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