Saturday, February 28, 2015
Academics, in general, – and like politicians – ought
not be taken seriously
Most academics are out of touch with the real world and have
little useful to say about it.
(This view, of course, is not conventional
among academics, most of whom fancy themselves as possessing deep insight into,
and special knowledge of, the workings of the economy and society. In
addition to these absurd fancies, most academics also believe – even more
absurdly – that they are of nobler and purer character than are the icky likes
of entrepreneurs, investors, and other profit-seeking business people – people
who are actually willing and able to be productive in ways judged as such by
real-world consumers; ways that not one academic in 500 could possibly pull
off. Academics, in general, – and like politicians – ought not be taken
seriously. A shockingly large number of them are ignorant and officious
Also, because she hates it
Is Living Paycheck To Paycheck. “So you think you’ve got it bad?
Try being in Congress. Those poor bastards are practically homeless. . . .
Hell, Pelosi is so down on her luck these days, she had to burn the
Constitution just to keep warm. Also, because she hates it.”
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wesleyan University’s residential life division’s “Open
House” at 154 Church Street boasts, according to the university’s website: “a safe space for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual,
Genderfuck, Polyamourous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission,
Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM) communities and for people of sexually or
gender dissident communities. The goals of Open House include generating
interest in a celebration of queer life from the social to the political to the
academic. Open House works to create a Wesleyan community that appreciates the
variety and vivacity of gender, sex and sexuality.”

Science Is Settled: Yes, Liberals Are Less Patriotic. …….“A Pew
Research survey last year found that 46 percent of ‘steadfast conservatives’
believed that the U.S. stands above all other countries; only 11 percent of
‘solid liberals’ believed the same. Seventy-two percent of steadfast
conservatives said they often feel proud to be an American; only 40 percent of
solid liberals said they do.”
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
TRUST GOVERNMENT Whatever it touches turns to mayhem
Whatever it touches turns to mayhem
The two parties usually attempt to one-up each other when it
comes to reckless overseas intervention. Yet Uncle Sam has demonstrated that he
possesses the reverse Midas Touch. Whatever he touches turns to mayhem.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Obama enjoys the taste of his own shoes and socks
Micha Elyi
Obama enjoys the taste of his own shoes and socks. That's why he puts his foot into his mouth so often.
Read more:
Sunday, February 22, 2015
DHS JOB IS TO “give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country
DHS JOB IS TO “give voice to the plight of
Muslims living in this country “.
Mark Steyn
But President Obama knows better than you. So he organized a
summit dedicated to creating and promoting a self-invented phantom enemy.
Conveniently enough, the main problem with "violent extremists" is
that its principal victims are Muslims. No, no, I don't mean the thousands of
Muslims being slaughtered, beheaded, burned alive, raped, sold into sex
slavery, etc, etc, in Syria ,
Iraq , Libya ,
Nigeria , and so
on. The Muslims most at risk are right here in America .
Just ask Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson:
We in the administration and the government should give
voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country and the
discrimination that they face. And so I personally have committed to speak out
about the situation that very often people in the Muslim community in this
country face. The fact that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and the
Islamic faith is one about peace and brotherhood.
I opposed the creation of the Department of Homeland
Security on the basic Thatcherite principle that if you create a government
bureaucracy in order to deal with a problem you'll never be rid of the problem.
But I underestimated the creativity of our rulers: The DHS was set up because
19 Muslims flew planes into skyscrapers and killed thousands of people.
Thirteen years later, the head of the DHS thinks his department's priority
should be to "give voice to the plight of Muslims" who have the
misfortune to live in America .
How about "the plight of Muslims" who live in
Muslim countries?
John Kerry, Sec. of State, spouting Obama party line
John Kerry, Sec. of State, spouting Obama party line:
“Success requires offering a vision that is positive and
proactive: a world with more concrete alternatives to the nihilistic worldview
of violent extremists...
We have to devote ourselves not just to combating violent
extremism, but to preventing it...
We've combated violent extremism before...
The 20th century was defined by the struggle to overcome
depression, slavery, fascism and totalitarianism. Now it's our turn. The rise
of violent extremism challenges every one of us...”
Comments Mark Steyn: By
now you may be saying, "Oh, 'violent extremism', I get it. You
mean..." Whoa, don't go there, girlfriend. "This is not true Islam," insists President Obama.
"Violent extremism" may have nothing to do with
Islam, yet Obama's summit on "violent extremism" was oddly
preoccupied with Islam, to the extent of according it a special deference:
A Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the second
day of the White House summit on "Countering Violent Extremism," but
no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was
open to the press.
Imam Sheikh Sa'ad Musse Roble, president of the World
Peace Organization in Minneapolis ,
Minn. , recited a "verse
from the Quran" following remarks by Obama administration officials and
Democratic members of Congress.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
I guess to progressives the Constitution is only a piece of paper
I guess to progressives the Constitution is only a piece of paper:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that
26% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president should have the right to ignore
federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are
important for the country…
But perhaps more
unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding
that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have
the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President
Obama’s party disagree, compared to 81% of Republicans and 67% of voters not
affiliated with either major party…
[W]hile 72% of GOP
voters and 63% of unaffiliateds believe it is more important to preserve our
constitutional system of checks and balances than for the federal government to
operate efficiently, Democrats are evenly divided…
and younger voters feel more strongly than men and those 40 and older that the
president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. Black voters
believe that more than whites and other minority voters do.
Friday, February 20, 2015
great geyser of cronyism
Veronique de Rugy explains why that great geyser of
cronyism, the U.S. Export-Import Bank, should be abolished. Here’s
Vero’s marvelous opening paragraph:
Politicians are hoarders. Instead of filling up their homes
with junk and refusing to throw any of it away, they surround themselves with
bloated government programs and come up with excuses to not get rid of any of
them. Proposing “reform” is one of their favorite tactics to save rotting
government programs that should be set out by the curb.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
…from page 188 of David Mamet’s 2011 book, The Secret Knowledge (original emphasis):
Government is only a business. Past the roads, defense, and sewers, it sells excitement and self-satisfaction to the masses, and charges them an entertainment tax, exacted in wealth and misery. It cannot make cars, or develop medicines. How can it “abolish poverty” (at home or abroad), or Bring About an End to Greed or Exploitation? It can only sell the illusion, and put itself in a position where it is free from judgment of its efforts. It does this, first of all, by stating inchoate goals, “change, hope, fairness, peace,” and then indicting those who question them as traitors or ogres; finally, it explains its lack of success by reference to persistent if magical forces put in play by its predecessors and yet uneradicated because of insufficient fundin
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Politicians are mainly in the business of winning popularity
contests called “elections” and not in the business of seriously studying the
causes and effects of various real and imagined social ills. ……. They are generally and strongly committed
to furthering their own careers, to accumulating power, and to achieving the
cheap prominence and unjustified respect that the public stupidly accords to
people who succeed at winning political elections.
“The Political Order of a Free People,” 1979) of Hayek’s Law, Legislation, and Liberty:
Government is now of course not a human being one can trust,
as the inherited ideal of the good ruler still suggests to the naive mind.
Nor is it the result of the joint wisdom of trusted representatives the
majority of whom can agree on what is best. It is a machinery directed by
‘political necessities’ which are only remotely affected by the opinions of the
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Before the Danes get on their high horse let’s recall the many Viking atrocities.
Attacked as Terror Spree Continues in Copenhagen. 2nd Attack in 24 hours.
President Obama is in Palm Springs
for the weekend and was on the golf course as the day’s events unfolded.
Rumor is Obama’s 1st reaction was “Before the
Danes get on their high horse let’s recall the many Viking atrocities.” But he was reminded he already used ‘high
horse’ line in condemning Christians with provoking Muslims with the Crusades
and Inquisition 800 years ago that resulted with last weeks attacks on Jews in Paris .
"... President Obama ... was on the golf course
Natch. In 150 years we've gone from "Four
score and seven years ago" to "FORE!"
Natch. In 150 years we've gone from "
Strange how many Jews get caught up in random
European violence.
Friday, February 13, 2015
the Tea Party never did anything like this
HELP: Roll
Call: Immigration Protests in Capitol Offices Strain Police.
Notice that the Tea Party never did anything like this, but
was always portrayed as a dangerous, unruly mob. Of course, to be fair, these
people aren’t really “unruly,” as they are thoroughly under the control of
accredited Democratic interest groups.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
voters’ ignorance
build their careers on voters’ ignorance about supply and demand curves.
at 9:30 pm by Glenn
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Misled On Gay Marriage For Political Reasons. “Axelrod writes that
he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential
campaign, even Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full
marriages. Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for
political reasons.”
It’s liars all the way down in this administration
Monday, February 09, 2015
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany & by default Leader of the Free World, meets with Pres. Obama today to discuss crisis in Ukraine. Pres. 'Lead from Behind' Obama will pretend to listen and daydream about golf.
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany & by default Leader of the Free World, meets with Pres. Obama today to discuss crisis in Ukraine. Pres. 'Lead from Behind' Obama will pretend to listen and daydream about golf.
Sunday, February 08, 2015
I name no names
I name no names:
These societies are barbaric because of their false
religion, as C.S. Lewis stated:
You can put this another way by saying that while in other
sciences the instruments you use are things external to yourself (things like
microscopes and telescopes), the instrument through which you see God is your
whole self. And if a man’s self is not kept clean and bright, his glimpse of
God will be blurred — like the Moon seen through a dirty telescope. That is why
horrible nations have horrible religions: they have been looking at God through
a dirty lens.
“unethical practices”
In 1825 Gideon Wells abandoned law because of “unethical
practices” that were “commonplace.” What’s new?
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Friday, February 06, 2015
Don Boudreaux:
“What is Washington , DC ,
but a nest of such megalomaniacs who suffer incurably from foolish and
presumptuous delusions of their own superiority and magnificence?”
“The bureaucrat is not only a government employee. He
is, under a democratic constitution, at the same time a voter and as such a
part of the sovereign, his employer. He is in a peculiar position: he is
both employer and employee. And his pecuniary interest as employee towers
above his interest as employer, as he gets much more from the public funds than
he contributes to them.
This double relationship becomes more important as the
people on the government’s payroll increase. The bureaucrat as voter is
more eager to get a raise than to keep the budget balanced. His main
concern is to swell the payroll.”
Addressing the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, Fearless
Leader President Obama admonished his
audience not to get on a “high horse” about Islamic terrorists (of course he
did not name them) since atrocities had been committed in the name of many
religions or, as he put it more specifically, “Unless we get on our high
horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the
Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of
Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was
justified in the name of Christ.”
Hmm! Weren’t the
Crusades, a thousand years ago, a response to Muslims attacking and capturing
the Holy Land ? And
didn’t the Inquisition, 800 years ago, encompass about 300 deaths over a
hundred years? And, when was the last
Muslim atrocity? Couple hours ago I think.
Sunday, February 01, 2015
WHICH SIDE IS MILITARY BRASS ON? (Or brownnosing for Obama)
(Or brownnosing for Obama)
Dempsey Sponsors Essay Competition to Honor Saudi King
By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
WASHINGTON , Jan. 26, 2015 – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff has established a research and essay competition in honor of Saudi
Arabia ’s King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz hosted
by the National Defense
University .
The king, who died Jan. 23 at age 90, oversaw the modernization of his country’s military during the time he spent as commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a position he held from 1963 until he became king in 2005.
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said the essay competition is a fitting tribute to the life and leadership of the Saudi Arabian monarch.
Lifetime Supporter ofU.S. -Saudi
The king was a lifetime supporter of his country’s alliance with theUnited
States . Abdullah ruled Saudi
Arabia from 2005 to his death, and served as
regent of the country from 1995. He is succeeded by King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz.
“This is an important opportunity to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world, and I can think of no better home for such an initiative than NDU,” Dempsey said in a statement announcing the competition.
The competition will focus on issues related to the Arab-Muslim world and is designed to encourage strategic thinking and meaningful research on a crucial part of the world. The program will be in place at NDU for the next academic year, officials said.
‘A Man of Remarkable Character and Courage’
Dempsey first met Abdullah in 2001, when he was a brigadier general serving as theU.S.
advisor to the Saudi Arabian National Guard. “In my job to train and advise his
military forces, and in our relationship since, I found the king to be a man of
remarkable character and courage,” Dempsey said.
Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Frederick M. Padilla, the president of theNational
Defense University ,
welcomed the opportunity to challenge future students while honoring the late
“This scholarly research competition presents NDU students with a unique opportunity to focus their research and writing efforts on relevant issues at the intersection ofU.S.
security interests and the Arab-Muslim world,” he said.
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By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
The king, who died Jan. 23 at age 90, oversaw the modernization of his country’s military during the time he spent as commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a position he held from 1963 until he became king in 2005.
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said the essay competition is a fitting tribute to the life and leadership of the Saudi Arabian monarch.
Lifetime Supporter of
The king was a lifetime supporter of his country’s alliance with the
“This is an important opportunity to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world, and I can think of no better home for such an initiative than NDU,” Dempsey said in a statement announcing the competition.
The competition will focus on issues related to the Arab-Muslim world and is designed to encourage strategic thinking and meaningful research on a crucial part of the world. The program will be in place at NDU for the next academic year, officials said.
‘A Man of Remarkable Character and Courage’
Dempsey first met Abdullah in 2001, when he was a brigadier general serving as the
Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Frederick M. Padilla, the president of the
“This scholarly research competition presents NDU students with a unique opportunity to focus their research and writing efforts on relevant issues at the intersection of
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