Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Gov't Knows Best? White House creates 'nudge squad' to shape behavior

The federal government is hiring what it calls a "Behavioral Insights Team" that will look for ways to subtly influence people's behavior, according to a document describing the program obtained by FoxNews.com. Critics warn there could be unintended consequences to such policies, while supporters say the team could make government and society more efficient.
While the program is still in its early stages, the document shows the White House is already working on such projects with almost a dozen federal departments and agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.

Laibson added that he hoped the U.S. program would stay away from overly controversial subjects.
"Let's say we want people to engage in some healthy behavior like a weight loss program, and then start automatically enrolling overweight people in weight loss programs -- even though they could opt out, I'm guessing that would be viewed as offensive ... a lot of people would say, 'I didn't ask for this, this is judging who I am and who I should be."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/30/govt-knows-best-white-house-creates-nudge-squad-to-shape-behavior/#ixzz2aYsjxou4

Monday, July 29, 2013

Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony

TOM BLUMER: Obama’s Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony.
BUT WITHOUT ANY IRS PROBLEMS: ObamaCare NonProfit Educates Democrats Only.

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand

Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony

TOM BLUMER: Obama’s Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony.
BUT WITHOUT ANY IRS PROBLEMS: ObamaCare NonProfit Educates Democrats Only.

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand

Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony

TOM BLUMER: Obama’s Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony.
BUT WITHOUT ANY IRS PROBLEMS: ObamaCare NonProfit Educates Democrats Only.

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand

Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony

TOM BLUMER: Obama’s Scandals Are Real. It’s His “Recovery” That’s Phony.
BUT WITHOUT ANY IRS PROBLEMS: ObamaCare NonProfit Educates Democrats Only.

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." - Ayn Rand

The Sad Fate of Democrat Women

The Sad Fate of Democrat Women
by Andrew Klavan

It’s always a little galling (not to mention hilarious) for those of us on the right to reflect that the Democratic Party — the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and family-destroying social programs — the party of Detroit, New Orleans, Newark, and Baltimore — the party that facilitates a black abortion rate that would bring a smile to the face of Planned Parenthood’s genocidally racist founder — has somehow managed to sell itself to African Americans as the friend of black people!

But it’s beginning to be equally galling (and equally comic) to reflect that the Democrats have also contrived to present themselves as the party of women.

This is the party whose most powerful senator left his probable mistress to drown after a car accident; the party whose most popular living president is a serial philanderer and accused rapist; the party whose most prominent woman rose to that prominence by virtue of her stand-by-your-man loyalty to a louse; and now the party of Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer, two men who have humiliated their wives with truly creepy behavior and yet seek to continue their political careers regardless.


Related: Associated Press: 4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work.

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.....
Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families’ economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy “poor.” . . . Sometimes termed “the invisible poor” by demographers, lower-income whites are generally dispersed in suburbs as well as small rural towns, where more than 60 percent of the poor are white.

UPDATE: Related: America As Detroit.


Sunday, July 28, 2013


Observe that professional politicians are unique among professionals in denying membership in their profession. No electrician who arrives at your home to repair your electrical wiring announces that he’s emphatically not a professional electrician.  No physician whom you visit to set your broken leg or to relieve your hemorrhoids eagerly lies to you that she is most certainly not a professional physician.  Yet the typical professional politician is forever announcing that he or she is not a professional politician.
Ponder that reality!
Wealth is a question of multiplication, not division

Ho,Ho,Ho, Obama’a got to go!

Ho,Ho,Ho, Obama’a got to go!

One can imagine the wily Communist Ho Chi Minh chuckling from his grave when his fellow traveler President Obama calls him “the George Washington of Vietnam.”   George and Ho had nothing in common despite an assertion from our lying, liberal leader in denial of reality and history.
America’s war with Communists in Viet Nam now ranks as phoney as recent scandals dismissed by Obama - 1. Killings in Benghazi, 2. Targeting conservatives 3. IRS engaging in politics and 4.  NSA wiretappingall Americans. Outrage or phoney, Mr. President, which reality should we believe?  Both.
Contradiction underpinned the controversy over our war in Viet Nam ( including the impossible, revisionist  idea of supporting the troops but not the war) just as it undermines any investigation or prosecution in today’s ‘phoney scandals.’      

Tea Party vs. establishment GOP

THE HILL: ObamaCare funding battle pits Tea Party vs. establishment GOP. “The Tea Party is ready to take a stand on defunding the divisive healthcare law and willing to risk a government shutdown in the process. Establishment Republicans worry the strategy will repeat the Clinton-era government shutdown showdown, which hurt Republicans in the 1996 elections. Tensions will reach a boiling point after the August recess, when lawmakers start negotiations over how to keep the government open. In the meantime, old-guard Republicans are sending a clear message to conservatives: The shutdown isn’t worth the risk.”

Friday, July 26, 2013


WELL, THAT’S AWKWARD: IRS employee union: We don’t want Obamacare. “IRS employees have a prominent role in Obamacare, but their union wants no part of the law. National Taxpayer Employee Union officials are urging members to write their congressional representatives in opposition to receiving coverage through President Obama’s health care law.”

Thursday, July 25, 2013

College Republicans Dubbed Security Threat, Refused Entrance to Obama’s

DISCRIMINATION: College Republicans Dubbed Security Threat, Refused Entrance to Obama’s Campus Speech. “Ten College Republicans were dubbed a security threat and refused admittance to President Barack Obama’s speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday. Despite the fact that the students had tickets to the event, security personnel turned them away at the door to the recreation center where Obama gave a speech on economic policy, telling the group it wasn’t about their politics but the president’s safety.”

This is consistent with the Administration’s general strategy of treating political opponents like enemies of the state.

UPDATE: What should people do? (1) Sue. (2) Demand that colleges not host Obama for speeches in the future. If he’s not safe around the College Republicans, he shouldn’t be on campus at all. If they do have him on campus, protest noisily outside — and file lawsuits trying to injoin his appearance. On public university campuses, barring people based on political affiliation — which is what’s going on here — is a first amendment violation. (3) Make a stink to the university’s big donors.

College Republicans Dubbed Security Threat, Refused Entrance to Obama’s

DISCRIMINATION: College Republicans Dubbed Security Threat, Refused Entrance to Obama’s Campus Speech. “Ten College Republicans were dubbed a security threat and refused admittance to President Barack Obama’s speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday. Despite the fact that the students had tickets to the event, security personnel turned them away at the door to the recreation center where Obama gave a speech on economic policy, telling the group it wasn’t about their politics but the president’s safety.”

This is consistent with the Administration’s general strategy of treating political opponents like enemies of the state.

UPDATE: What should people do? (1) Sue. (2) Demand that colleges not host Obama for speeches in the future. If he’s not safe around the College Republicans, he shouldn’t be on campus at all. If they do have him on campus, protest noisily outside — and file lawsuits trying to injoin his appearance. On public university campuses, barring people based on political affiliation — which is what’s going on here — is a first amendment violation. (3) Make a stink to the university’s big donors.

Will the IRS scandal implicate the White House?


JAMES TARANTO: Meet William Wilkins. Will the IRS scandal implicate the White House? Let’s hope so.
Have you noticed that the Internal Revenue Service scandal seems to be getting ever closer to the White House? The IRS originally tried to set up “rogue employees in Cincinnati” as fall guys. But in congressional testimony, they revealed that the targeting of dissenting groups was directed from Washington.

As Peggy Noonan noted, the Washington supervisor, Carter Hull, last week implicated the IRS’s office of chief counsel: “The IRS chief counsel is named William Wilkins. And . . . he is one of only two Obama political appointees in the IRS.”

Congressional investigators appear to be conducting a very methodical inquiry, working their way up through the IRS hierarchy and not getting out ahead of themselves by making claims not supported by the available evidence. Note, for example, that they have not (yet) claimed Wilkins himself directed the abusive behavior, only his “office.” Democrats and their media allies, perhaps deceptively, interpret the investigation’s slow progress as a sign that there’s nothing to the scandal. But if that’s the case, they should be all for a thorough investigation.

DIRTY TAX TRICKS: Records of snooping into Christine O’Donnell tax records disappear. “Delaware state officials have told Congress that they likely destroyed the computer records that would show when and how often they accessed Christine O’Donnell’s personal tax records and acknowledged that a newspaper article was used as the sole justification for snooping into the former GOP Senate candidate’s tax history.” How convenient.

More and more, the weakening of the Tea Party movement is looking kind of arranged.

IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: Attorney in Federal Agency General Counsel’s Office: There Is ‘No Innocent Explanation’ for IRS Chief Counsel’s Meeting With Obama. “I can’t for the life of me come up with any kind of innocent explanation for why Obama would have met with the Chief Counsel of the IRS. That meeting shouldn’t ever happen, and especially not without the Commissioner of the IRS being there. Presidents just don’t go to agency chief counsels with legal questions. Presidents don’t go to anyone with legal questions. Their staff does. The idea that the President would sit down with some random agency chief counsel and discuss some pressing legal issue is just bizarre to anyone who has worked in the legal field at that level. I am not sure the reporters covering this story understand how legal advice is actually delivered to the President and just how out of the ordinary that meeting was.”

Obama Barely Edges Zimmerman in New Poll
The only thing preventing Zimmerman from besting Obama is the huge support from the braindead Obama zombies. Meanwhile, the exalted racial healer Obama has continued to make race relations worse.

Will the IRS scandal implicate the White House?


JAMES TARANTO: Meet William Wilkins. Will the IRS scandal implicate the White House? Let’s hope so.
Have you noticed that the Internal Revenue Service scandal seems to be getting ever closer to the White House? The IRS originally tried to set up “rogue employees in Cincinnati” as fall guys. But in congressional testimony, they revealed that the targeting of dissenting groups was directed from Washington.

As Peggy Noonan noted, the Washington supervisor, Carter Hull, last week implicated the IRS’s office of chief counsel: “The IRS chief counsel is named William Wilkins. And . . . he is one of only two Obama political appointees in the IRS.”

Congressional investigators appear to be conducting a very methodical inquiry, working their way up through the IRS hierarchy and not getting out ahead of themselves by making claims not supported by the available evidence. Note, for example, that they have not (yet) claimed Wilkins himself directed the abusive behavior, only his “office.” Democrats and their media allies, perhaps deceptively, interpret the investigation’s slow progress as a sign that there’s nothing to the scandal. But if that’s the case, they should be all for a thorough investigation.

DIRTY TAX TRICKS: Records of snooping into Christine O’Donnell tax records disappear. “Delaware state officials have told Congress that they likely destroyed the computer records that would show when and how often they accessed Christine O’Donnell’s personal tax records and acknowledged that a newspaper article was used as the sole justification for snooping into the former GOP Senate candidate’s tax history.” How convenient.

More and more, the weakening of the Tea Party movement is looking kind of arranged.

IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: Attorney in Federal Agency General Counsel’s Office: There Is ‘No Innocent Explanation’ for IRS Chief Counsel’s Meeting With Obama. “I can’t for the life of me come up with any kind of innocent explanation for why Obama would have met with the Chief Counsel of the IRS. That meeting shouldn’t ever happen, and especially not without the Commissioner of the IRS being there. Presidents just don’t go to agency chief counsels with legal questions. Presidents don’t go to anyone with legal questions. Their staff does. The idea that the President would sit down with some random agency chief counsel and discuss some pressing legal issue is just bizarre to anyone who has worked in the legal field at that level. I am not sure the reporters covering this story understand how legal advice is actually delivered to the President and just how out of the ordinary that meeting was.”

Obama Barely Edges Zimmerman in New Poll
The only thing preventing Zimmerman from besting Obama is the huge support from the braindead Obama zombies. Meanwhile, the exalted racial healer Obama has continued to make race relations worse.

President Alinsky Threatens Americans

J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS: President Alinsky Threatens Americans With Rising ‘Social Tensions.’
“Chaos Umpire sits, And by decision more imbroils the fray. By which he Reigns.”

HEH: “Whenever he talks economy, Obama sounds like he’s trying to explain to his professor why his term paper will be late.”

CHANGE: Guess who’s abandoning Obamacare in droves? Moderate Democrats.
THE HILL: Poll: Obama approval drops to near record low at 45 percent. Demagoguery over the Zimmerman case may have helped him with his base, but it obviously didn’t help him in general.

Related: Obama approval drops ten points … in California.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Today Obama said "We've got more than 100,000 bridges that are old enough to qualify for Medicare." If bridges are enrolling in Medicare, it's no wonder health-care costs keep rising.

A Curious Definition of 'Independent'

A Curious Definition of 'Independent'
"I was a single mom for 10 long years. During that decade I relied on welfare, housing assistance, and food stamps to help me support my daughter while I earned both bachelor's and master's degrees. . . . I was an independent woman . . ."--Kezia Willingham, xoJane.com, July 22

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Does God need a backup?

Does God need a backup?  If God is insufficient to our needs and does not suffice,  should man create a backup?  Assess the current human condition.  The god of man appears to be  be mammon, money, power, pets, food, sports, music, idols, heroes, shopping, spending, volunteering to feel good, supporting causes to feel better or pleasing an immediate desire to feel best.
What do you think? If God, worship and prayer do not satiate our needs, yes, I guess we need a backup god ( or gods).  If our greatest living American philosopher, Earl Pitts can ask this question to point out a problem,  it must demand an answer.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

why women clutch their purses when he gets in an elevator

ANDREW KLAVAN: A National Conversation About Complete Crap. “President Barack Obama has already increased our national debt somewhere between five and six trillion dollars and shows no sign of stopping. Maybe that’s why women clutch their purses when he gets in an elevator.”

Friday, July 19, 2013


A PROPOSAL FROM IOWAHAWK: Turn Detroit into a national park, to show our kids the wonders of “Government Help.”

Fflashback: Obama boasted in 2012: ‘We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt’
BY CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/18/13 06:15 PM
On October 13, 2012, President Obama boasted to Americans in his weekly address that he refused to “let Detroit go bankrupt.” “[W]e refused to throw in the towel and do nothing,” Obama said. “We refused to let..

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Men Only

Men Only

First light air flight
First car engine’s roar
First firing of a gun
First flight on a horse
First smack of a ball
First fight or feel of fear
First felled by a passion.
First Adam fell, then
Time tells tales of men.


IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: IRS Lawyer Says Scandal Was Overseen by D.C. “Top IRS officials in Washington, D.C. planned and oversaw the agency’s improper targeting of conservative groups, according to the 72-year old retiring IRS lawyer who will testify Thursday before the House Oversight Committee.”

MORE ANTI-TEA-PARTY ACTIVITY: IRS Admits It Leaked Christine O’Donnell’s Tax Records To Opposition Day She Announced:
On March 9, 2010, the day she revealed her plan to run for the Senate in a press release, a tax lien was placed on a house purported to be hers and publicized. The problem was she no longer owned the house. The IRS eventually blamed the lien on a computer glitch and withdrew it.

Now Mr. Martel, a criminal investigator for the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration, was telling her that an official in Delaware state government had improperly accessed her records on that very same day.

Beyond that, Ms. O’Donnell and Senate investigators who have tried to help her have run into a wall of silence, leaving more questions than answers about whether abuses of the IRS system extend to private individuals and not just the tax-exempt groups already identified as victims.

Seems like a lot of the “bad luck” that affected some Tea Party candidates wasn’t bad luck at all. Examples must be made to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. Name, shame, and sue.

Related: House Holds Hearing Today on The IRS’ Systematic Delay and Scrutiny of Tea Party Applications.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Like Obama, when Holder says “conversation,” he means “shut up while I lecture.”

What nonsense! Let me translate: Holder wants relief from the pressure to prosecute Zimmerman, so he’s shifting to a topic that has nothing to do with Zimmerman but that low-information people think has to do with Zimmerman. (Zimmerman was pinned down before he decided his life was on the line, and he had no route of escape.)

And, yes, I know Holder is also talking about investigating the Zimmerman matter. But “investigating” is code. As we saw with Benghazi, it means: We’re hoping that if enough time passes, you’ll forget about it.

This is all so thoroughly lame. But at the same time: It’s a very powerful person speaking dishonestly and threateningly about the exercise of power. What a disgusting combination.

But predictable enough that Obama voters — especially 2012 Obama voters — have to share responsibility for the disgustingness.

Like Obama, when Holder says “conversation,” he means “shut up while I lecture.”



The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.

In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review applications that the agency had screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.

Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Knowledge is a curse; ignorance is bliss

Knowledge is a curse; ignorance is bliss

Knowledge is a curse; ignorance is bliss.  What other fact can explain ignorance of the three basic tenets of American greatness - liberty, e pluribus unum and in God we Trust?   These three principles engraved on our money, summarize the beginnings, middle and end of our Republic.
We began  with a brilliant Declaration of Independence rooted in the principles of the individual freedom, a gradual  amalgam of differing pilgrims, settlers, pioneers and immigrants and a fundamental belief in the Christian God and His ethic.  We unevenly and incompletely pursued each principle as our American history developed.  We now have reached the end of America as we  know her.  Liberty has been usurped and subsumed by an out-of-control, domineering government.  Class warfare and special interests have replaced a harmonious blend of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and God - the Christian God ? - has been chased to the margins of acceptance.
Good thing no liberal, no progressive, no Atheist, no multi-cultural pragmatist, no politically correct do-gooder, no mortal has within his, her or his/her power to stomp out an invisible and invincible God.   God just awaits those who select Him.  Knowledge ( meaning the more you know the heavier the burden) might be the curse of the living but the bliss of ignorance on Earth leads to no bliss in Heaven.        

Monday, July 15, 2013


By Victor Davis Hanson

Of all the many changes that the Obama administration has enacted over the last five years, the least remarked upon are the strange changes in our vocabulary. To fathom the shifting meaning of words, here is a guide to the new Obama lexicon.

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive.

Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle.

Associated Press: Leakers who dared to challenge the White House monopoly.

Baby: Punishment for a mistake.

Benghazi: We won’t have any more because one video-maker is now in prison.

Berlin Wall: Analogous to the Cold War fence that kept out German illegal aliens from entering a free East Berlin.

Biden: Buffoonery after it becomes boring.

Buffett: He alone built that.

Carney: Ron Ziegler lives!

Cashing in: A practice finally ended when Hillary Clinton and Lisa Jackson left office.

Coal: A toxic rock that the crazy Chinese believe makes heat.

Corporate Jet Owners: Sort of like Air Force One.

Corpsmen: Zombies.

Courts: Revolutionary tribunals.

“Cowards”: Everybody but “my people.”

Debt: What debt?

Debt Ceilings: Only Senate cowards vote not to raise them.

Deficits: Ex-presidents incurred them.

Diversity: Endangered by locking up mass-murdering Maj. Hasan.

Drones: Sophisticated, humane military tools in the hands of the right commander in chief.

Enemies: Ours are to be punished at home, while courted abroad.

Erdogan: A valuable and trusted anti-Semite, racist, and religious bigot.

Filibusters: Unpatriotic obstructionism begun in 2007.

Genocide: An American crime unknown to the Germans, Hutus, and Turks.

Guantanamo: Virtually closed as promised.

Hawaii: Now in Asia.

Hope and Change: 2016.

Illegal Aliens: See undocumented workers.

Interest: It no longer exists.

Fast and Furious: More often a slow and methodical death.

Fat Cat: The new Al Gore.

Fifty-seven states: A trick question on Harvard Law School exams.

First Amendment: So long, glad to have known you.

Food Stamps: Never stamps and not always for food.

Fracking: Produces way too much unnecessary energy and money.

George Zimmerman: Does not look like the son Obama might have had.

George Zimmerman Trial: An indictment of white male America, when a female judge instructs an all-female jury in a case involving a Latino shooting an African-American — with pretrial input from an African-American president and attorney general.

Golf: A populist sport necessary to relieve the weekly tensions of average-guy presidents.

Global Warming: Along with rising seas, mostly ended by the president in 2009.

Green: Alternative sources of money.

IRS: Investigation of right-wing suspects.

Israel: A boring free-market democracy surrounded by rich cultural diversity.

Jihad: A sort of personal journey to be posted on Facebook.

Law: Can occasionally be enforced against the right people.

Leading from Behind: Or rather following from the front.

Lobbyists: Disappeared from government in 2009.

Lying: Speaking untruth except when doing so before the Congress and under oath.

“Make No Mistake About It”: Something neither “perfectly clear” nor “in point of fact.”

Media: The Ministry of Truth.

Money: You have made enough of it already.

Muslim Brotherhood: Secular, at least largely.

Muslims: Those who also worship Jesus but without the bothersome bible thumping.

NSA: Add another A and it would be an Islamic outreach agency.

Nuclear Option: To be outlawed, except in the Senate.

ObamaCare: Sort of read, sort of passed, sort of enacted, sort of ended.

One-percenter: Obama fundraisers.

Police: Act stupidly.

Profile: Typical white person.

Profit: Not the time to.

Race: Cowards never talk about it.

Recess Appointments: Hardly “damaged goods.”

Renditions: Valuable anti-terrorism protocols once George Bush left office.

Reset: Turning neutrals into enemies.

Revolving Door: Abuses ended by those like Peter Orszag.

Sequesters: Forced on fiscally sober presidents by uncaring, callous opponents.

Spiking the Ball: You avoid that by mentioning a dead Osama bin Laden ad nauseam.

Spread the Wealth: Tuition at Sidwell Friends.

Spying: OK on friends, suspicious when on others.

Taxes: Never were raised on those who pay more of them.

Tea Party: Presidentially referenced sex act.

Terrorism: Endemic among returning Iraqi veterans and Christian fundamentalists.

Transparent: Say it enough and it happens.

Typical White Person: Jorge Meza Zimmerman.

Undocumented Workers: Never had documents and not all have worked.

Unemployment Rate: It depends on why you want to know.

White Hispanic: Not to be confused with white African-American.

Wind and Solar: Like farm subsidies without the farm.

Workplace Violence: Murdering 13 soldiers while yelling “Allahu Akbar.”

(Thumbnail on PJM homepage based on a modified Shutterstock.com image.)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


"How Do You Know When President Obama Is Lying? MSNBC Won't Tell You"--headline, Puffington Host, July 7

THE ‘RIGHT TO CHEAT’ When China sent investigators to a ‘high’ achieving school and found fraud:
By late afternoon, the investigators were trapped in a set of school offices, as groups of students pelted the windows with rocks. Outside, an angry mob of more than 2,000 people had gathered to vent its rage, smashing cars and chanting: "We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."
"There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat" could be the credo of the Obama Democrats.


NY School Dumps Michelle Obama Food Plan After Kids Complain of Hunger
Posted by Jammie on Jul 09, 2013 at 1:15 pm

She’s free to shovel as many cheeseburgers and orders of fries into her piehole as she pleases, but the kids get what’s good for them or something.

New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district has become the latest casualty in first lady Michelle Obama’s preferred lunch plan, dropping the menu after too many students complained of hunger.

“[Food service manager Nicky] Boehm and her staff worked hard to implement the new regulations, but there were just too many problems and too many foods that students did not like and would not purchase,” said Assistant Superintendent Chris Abdoo about the National School Lunch Program in a statement reported by EAGNews.org. “Students complained of being hungry with these lunches and the district lost money.”

The school system decided to instead create its own lunch menu for next year.

The district lost about $100,000 trying out the federal menu, which offered such meals as “part” of a chicken patty on a minicroissant, EAGNews.org reported.

“Students felt they weren’t getting good value for their money,” Ms. Boehm said in EAGNews.org. “The high schoolers especially complained the portion sizes were too small and many more students brought in lunch from home.”

Undaunted, the nattering nabobs from the nanny state will soon be pushing Greek yogurt on the starving schoolkids.
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says New York is one of four states chosen to participate in a U.S. Department of Agriculture pilot program to purchase Greek yogurt for schools.

One district has already lost $100,000 on this crap and now they think it’ll be cost effective to feed them yogurt?

COMMENT:  See, this just proves FLOTUS’ larger point: you can’t trust something as important as “feeding our children” to those d@mned capitalists. Always trying to “make money” off those poor little souls. It doesn’t really matter if some of those spoiled brats complain they’re not “getting enough food”, they’ll take what we give them and smile while singing “The Barack Obama Song”!!! It’s all “for the children”…

Of course, if it was necessary for Obama to steal the 2012 election

TARANTO: Of course, if it was necessary for Obama to steal the 2012 election, the abuse of the IRS and other agencies was sufficient to achieve that goal. Still, Mitchell's analysis has the ring of truth. Central to the left's political strategy are efforts to impose social costs on dissenters--to make opposition not worth the effort.

INDEED: “Of all the stretches of executive power Americans have seen in the past few years, the president’s unilateral suspension of statutes may have the most disturbing long-term effects.” It’s a violation of the President’s constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. But the only remedy for such violations is impeachment.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Farmers oppressed by an overweening state

Farmers oppressed by an overweening state

WELL, OKAY THEN: Obama: “The government is us, and we’re doing things right.” If by “us” he means “a collection of rent-seekers and power junkies,” and if by “doing things right” he means “sucking unmolested at the federal teat,” then he’s basically right.

THE 21ST CENTURY DUST BOWL: “I can fight the bugs, I can fight the lack of rain, but when the guy comes with a clipboard what are you going to do?” There’s always tar and feathers, pour encourager les autres, the traditional remedy of farmers oppressed by an overweening state. But I suppose we haven’t quite come to that yet. Have we?
Posted at 11:47 pm by Glenn Reynolds

Do we remember when Obama soared about an end to lobbyists in government, the cessation of the revolving door, or the new transparency?

Imagine if a skeptic in 2009 had rejoined: “No, your IRS will ruin its reputation by crude efforts to punish enemies and ensure you reelection. No, your State Department will lie about four American deaths to ensure that a silly fiction about a video preserves the re-election myth of al-Qaeda on the run and Libya on the mend. No, your NSA will be exposed as a vast spying octopus, as the most delicate national security secrets are revealed abroad, and by a two-bit, high-school dropout hacker who earned six figures as he outsmarted the NSA’s best and brightest. No, your own Justice Department will monitor the private communications of the Associated Press, as your attorney general lies about such surveillance in the manner that your director of national intelligence lies while under oath about the activities of the NSA.” Barack Obama, not Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, engineered all that.

Sunday, July 07, 2013


Related: George Will: Obama’s Never-Mind Presidency.
Although the Constitution has no Article VIII, the administration acts as though there is one that reads: “Notwithstanding all that stuff in other articles about how laws are made, if a president finds a law politically inconvenient, he can simply post on the White House Web site a notice saying: Never mind.”

Related: 54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues. “Since January 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, the United States has seen 54 straight months with the unemployment rate at 7.5 percent or higher, which is the longest stretch of unemployment at or above that rate since 1948, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics started calculating the national unemployment rate.”

LIFE IN OBAMA’S AMERICA: Part-Time Jobs Up, Full-Time Jobs Down. “This is the ObamaCare effect. Obama’s health care law incentivizes employers to drop workers to below 30 hours per week in order to avoid incurring liabilities or fines. Or, if the employer is near the 50 employee mark, to trim down to below 50 to escape ObamaCare altogether.”

We heard a lot about “McJobs” during the George H.W. Bush recovery. Nobody seems to be using that term much under Obama.

THIS IS GOOD: More and more Americans are becoming concealed-carry permit holders. “We’re only halfway through 2013, and it already looks like plenty of states are on track for their biggest permitting years on record.”

"For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected never know" -- note found in the pocket of a dead Marine, Khe Sanh, 1968.

Over at NRO, Yuval Levin pursues a basic issue raised by the Obama administration’s delay of Obamacare’s employer mandate, announced this past Tuesday. Following up on the final version of a 600-page regulation released on Friday, Levin observes:

In 2014, applicants can more or less be deemed eligible for subsidies in the state-run exchanges if they say they are eligible. If it has no external sources of information regarding what insurance employers offer, the rule states, “the exchange may accept the applicant’s attestation regarding enrollment in an eligible employer-sponsored plan and eligibility for qualifying coverage in an employer-sponsored plan for the benefit year for which coverage is requested without further verification.” In fact, the exchanges are not only released from the obligation to verify whether applicants are eligible for employer coverage, they are also released from the obligation to confirm applicants’ statements regarding their household incomes before providing them with what is supposed to be an income-based benefit.

Levin adds:
Opening the door wide open to fraud could well increase the number of people in the exchanges, but it will also make that number far less meaningful—casting a shadow over whatever is achieved by the enrollment effort set to launch in the fall. It will also, needless to say, increase the cost of the exchange subsidies. The administration is clearly worried enough about enrollment to take that risk and bear that cost. It seems to be operating under the assumption that the way to secure Obamacare’s future is to get as many people as possible into the system and receiving subsidies. Maybe they’re right, and maybe they’re wrong, but they certainly seem increasingly desperate.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Hail Satan vs. Amazing Grace

   Hail Satan vs. Amazing Grace

On which side will you sing?  Reason, morality, reality - all things human are hat-checked to  liberal agendas by screechers who hail Satan.  Whether liberals are pro-choice or intellectual elites, pro-Satanists can never honestly of their country ‘tis of thee, sing.  In our disunited America, it’s us vs. them, Hail Satan vs. Amazing Grace.  On which side will you sing?

Another thought related to Independence Day - a day of celebrations of our hard-won liberties and our founding documents.  Our freedoms should be profiled and remembered on the Fourth of July, not military, fire and police servants, that is why we have ‘Veterans Day.’ On which side should you sing?

Thursday, July 04, 2013



About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

Yes, the progressives preach regress.

REMINDER: In 2009, Obama “joked” about having the IRS audit his enemies.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Obama’s Crisis of Competence

TWEET OF THE DAY: Obamacare was so popular it had to be passed in the dead of night and delayed until after two elections.

AFTER THE 2014 ELECTIONS, IN OTHER WORDS: White House delays employer mandate requirement until 2015.

ObamaCare’s Success Depends On The Young Being Stupid.
TO BE FAIR, BANKING ON THAT HAS WORKED PRETTY WELL FOR THEM SO FAR: Investor’s Business Daily: ObamaCare’s Success Depends On The Young Being Stupid.

IOWAHAWK: You know who really feels stupid right now? All those people who bribed the White House for Obamacare waivers. Suckers

WHAT’S HIS CARBON FOOTPRINT? Obama’s 2013 Air Force One bill $24 million — $6.5 million for Africa alone.
Already Obama, just back from a trip with his family and a huge entourage of staff to several African nations, has run up a $15.2 million bill just for Air Force One in the first six months of 2013. Security and hotel costs can dwarf the jet's cost. Some estimates of the president's Africa trip alone top $100 million.

NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama’s Crisis of Competence: The White House seems more comfortable stage-managing the news than dealing with the uncomfortable crises that inevitably crop up. Ya think?


GREEN DEATH: 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in the USA.
The US experience with wind farms has left over 14,000 wind turbines abandoned and slowly decaying, in most instances the turbines are just left as symbols of a dying Climate Religion, nowhere have the Green Environmentalists appeared to clear up their mess or even complain about the abandoned wind farms.
The truth is: wind energy is just a tax scam. Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst focusing on energy and environmental issues for the Heritage Foundation, is not surprised. He asks:
"If wind power made sense, why would it need a government subsidy in the first place? It's a bubble which bursts as soon as the government subsidies end."

Two to ponder this July 4th, 2013

Two to ponder this July 4th, 2013

At his in inauguration, a new President says: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United Sates.”

Grover Cleveland at his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1885 said:  “The Constitution which prescribes this oath, my countrymen is yours; the government you have chosen him to administer for a time is yours; the suffrage which executes the free will of men is yours; the laws and the entire scheme of our civil rule, from the town meeting to the state capitols and the national capitol, is yours.”  

And what do you conclude?  Obama lies?  America’s fate is still in the hands of its people?


GREEN DEATH: 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in the USA.
The US experience with wind farms has left over 14,000 wind turbines abandoned and slowly decaying, in most instances the turbines are just left as symbols of a dying Climate Religion, nowhere have the Green Environmentalists appeared to clear up their mess or even complain about the abandoned wind farms.
The truth is: wind energy is just a tax scam. Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst focusing on energy and environmental issues for the Heritage Foundation, is not surprised. He asks:
"If wind power made sense, why would it need a government subsidy in the first place? It's a bubble which bursts as soon as the government subsidies end."

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Obama rated 5th best US President ever!

Obama rated 5th best US President ever!

>Of the total of 44 US Presidents: Obama rated 5th best president
ever. I was just reading a Democratic publicity release that said,
"...after a little more than 4 years, Obama has been rated the 5th best
president ever."
>The details according to White House Publicists..
 >>    *  Reagan, Lincoln, and 8 others tied for first,
 >>    * 15 presidents tied for second,
 >>    * 17 other presidents tied for third,
 >>    * Jimmy Carter came in 4th, and
 >>    * Obama came in fifth

Monday, July 01, 2013

The Age of Obama: A Stronger Government And A Weaker America

DAILY BEAST: The Age of Obama: A Stronger Government And A Weaker America. Well, that’s been the plan all along.
MARK TUSHNET: Our Rights, Not the Court’s: There’s no good reason to give the justices the last word on race, abortion and gay marriage.
IT’S COME TO THIS: Venerable leftist weekly demands president’s impeachment over mass surveillance. “In the pages of The Nation, the oldest continuously published weekly in the country and the self-described ‘flagship of the left,’ a former member of the House of Representatives has called for the impeachment of the president over revelations of massive government surveillance of ordinary citizens.”

Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery

Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery
F.A. “Baldy” Harper’s 1949 tract,:
The Chinese scholar, Chang Hsin-hai, in his article on “The Moral Basis of World Peace,” asserts that this disease of our society stems from a double standard of morals.  He says that the root of our troubles, both national and international, lies in the acceptance of moral standards in government totally different from those accepted and demonstrated as necessary for a good society so far as individual conduct is concerned.  If a politician, either national or international, engages in practices and policies which in individual conduct would be considered as most contemptible, he is commonly honored for his “progressiveness and farsightedness, and for the great service he is rendering to the citizens of his country.”  He is elected again and again to public office, even though the same practices by the operator of a private grocery store or a farm would lead to his being all but run out of town.