Thursday, December 31, 2015


  Speaking Fees 
As former President Bill Clinton prepares to step up his role in his wife’s presidential campaign, his high-profile activities pose a unique challenge. We report that more than two dozen companies and groups and one foreign government paid Mr. Clinton a total of more than $8 million to give speeches around the time they also had policy matters before Hillary Clinton’s State Department. One speech in Abu Dhabi came just before Mrs. Clinton’s department ruled in favor of the Gulf state in a controversial visa issue. The Clintons struck an agreement early on with the Obama administration to allow State Department ethics officers to check for conflicts between speech sponsors and Mrs. Clinton’s government work. Mr. Clinton was paid for more than 200 speeches while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state; the ethics office turned down five of his speech requests. The former president has given mixed signals about whether he would abandon the paid-speaking circuit if his wife becomes president. (Wall St. Journal 12/31/15)
I REPEAT: “Here is a country in which all political thought and activity are concentrated upon the scramble for jobs – in which the normal politician, whether he be a President or a village road supervisor, is willing to renounce any principle, however precious to him, and to adopt any lunacy, however offensive to him, in order to keep his place at the trough.”

H.L. Mencken’s essay “On Being an American,”

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

“Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.”

Deterrence, in the famous formulation of the 17th-century British statesman George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax:

“Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.” Translated, that means that nations do not go to war just over Czechoslovakia, but that other nations are not swallowed up like Czechoslovakia.
Read more at:

Trust government – ho, ho , ho!

Trust government – ho, ho , ho!
“Here is a country in which all political thought and activity are concentrated upon the scramble for jobs – in which the normal politician, whether he be a President or a village road supervisor, is willing to renounce any principle, however precious to him, and to adopt any lunacy, however offensive to him, in order to keep his place at the trough.”

H.L. Mencken’s essay “On Being an American,”

Monday, December 28, 2015

Speaking of cultural appropriation, keep your mitts off mine.

OK, fair is fair. As a white Christian, I won’t eat halal. I won’t eat Thai. I’ll even give up General Tso, which is something I actually do eat.
Now give me back the polio vaccine. It is part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. It was developed by Jews (there are two vaccines).
Also, give back pasteurized milk.
The automobile.
The airplane.
The train.
Electricity, the Internet, skyscrapers, radio, television, and the cellphone — or any other kind of phone. Transistors, too.
Jews and Christians have done more positive good for the world than any other group.
Slavery? Don’t go there. Slavery pre-dated Christianity and even Judaism. The Indians practiced it long before Columbus arrived, and long after. The only continent that never had slavery was Antarctica. . . .
If Jews and Christians are so evil, why is the migration to our countries?
Don’t like cultural appropriation? Then get the hell off the computer.
But stay. We are Jews and Christians. We share.


“The government can not only evoke fear in its victims; it can also evoke a sort of superstitious reverence.  It is thus both an army and a church, and with sharp weapons in both hands it is virtually irresistible.  Its personnel, true enough, may be changed, and so may the external forms of the fraud it practices, but its inner nature is immutable.’

H.L. Mencken’s essay “On Government,”

Sunday, December 27, 2015

“for righteousness alone can permanently exalt a nation

“for righteousness alone can permanently exalt a nation…” Where does America stand today?  On Jan. 13th, 1864, Frederick Douglass uttered these telling words.  On Jan. 1st 2016, 151 years later, I am witnessing the downfall of a great nation under President Obama and his liberal, Democrat administration.  So sad… 

Thursday, December 24, 2015


The number of ways to be correct about any matter is small – in many cases, that number is one.  In contrast, the number of ways to be incorrect about any matter is very large – indeed, in all cases it approaches infinity.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dumping Fetus in Landfill is "Abortion Care"

In Ohio House Liberal Democrat defends dumping of Fetuses in Landfill as "Abortion Care"!
The opposition? How quickly can you identify a Democrat liberal? Catch the phrase, “abortion care.”  Then ask yourself if murder is “care”?  Yes, because if one abjures the concept of murder, even body parts can just be re-cycled anywhere.  

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Trump’s ‘exclusion’ idea

Can Trump’s ‘exclusion’ idea to get a handle on Muslim terrorists past muster?  Yale-Loehr is correct that the Trump proposal requires an act of Congress, but that act has already been enacted. Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code provides in relevant part:
“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

What about the First Amendment? Would a religious exclusion for immigrants violate their right to free exercise? That is a novel legal question; as far as we know Congress has never enacted, nor the executive branch practiced, such an exclusion. But the 1972 case Kleindienst v. Mandel strongly suggests the Trump proposal would again pass muster.  The fact that in neither case has the exclusion been enacted – does not mean that it is not time to get a handle on Muslim terrorists. 

Sunday, December 06, 2015

For politicians, the red tape that ensnarls citizens is a feature, not a bug, of government

For the bulk of the population of earlier periods of history, bare survival was the critical problem, and it left only minimal resources for investment in education and productive capacity.  Only the productive surpluses that innovation began to make possible, first in agriculture and mining and then in manufacturing, made feasible the enormous increases in investment in inanimate and in human capital that are widely judged to have contributed greatly to economic growth.
William Baumol’s 2002 volume
Following the principle, “The best guide to a maze is its architect,” legislators have an incentive to create a bureaucratic maze so that voters reject challengers and rely on incumbents as guides.  Thus, incumbent politicians sometimes seek an electoral advantage by increasing the complexity of administration faced by citizens and retaining control over it.
For politicians, the red tape that ensnarls citizens is a feature, not a bug, of government

Robert Cooter’s 2000 book