Monday, March 01, 2010


1. Now that we know Al Gore is a hoaxer, can we please get back to drilling for oil and gas? We have huge supplies of oil and gas under our control, but our oil companies--which by international standards are tiny in terms of the quantity of petroleum to which they have access--are legally prevented from developing it and, in some cases, even exploring for it. (Congress doesn't want the American people to understand how much wealth and how many jobs we are forgoing by being the only country in the world that perversely refuses to develop its own energy resources.) Here, Chevron's Vice President for Exploration, Bobby Ryan, explains the need to explore the Outer Continental Shelf, where unknown but no doubt vast reserves of energy are to be found.

2. Obama has assured us that he is no Harry Reid or Barbara Boxer, but rather a “no more blue/red state” “healer.” The wages of hypocrisy are usually more costly than mindless partisanship. And the more Obama talks of bipartisanship and reaching out, the more the law professor seems to go out of his way to be petulant and trenchantly “my way or the highway.”

3. The “Bush did it” and “Race Card” have been beaten into glue-factory status.

4. People are now having to face the harsh reality of spending into oblivion and beyond. We have examples world-wide and in our own beloved country as to what happens when socialism eventually (as always) collapses and fails miserably.

5. Style: Obama has worn so thin so quickly because he is not, in reality, a great orator. As a teacher of college speech, he would have rated no more than a C in my classes. He speaks with little vocal variety, dramatically dropping pitch, volume, speed and consonants at the ends of sentences. He speaks at length but says little, and his use of deception, misdirection, straw men, outright lies, anecdotal evidence to the exclusion of all other evidence, and an affected, pseudo evangelical style may fool those who want to be fooled, but not others. Don’t even get me started on the teleprompter.

6. REGARDING OBAMA: So what does this anecdote from the Great Communicator tells us? Well, itmight tell us he is as dumb as a bag of rocks for not understanding the difference between liability and collision insurance.

7. In 1927, a writer about Russia’s October 1917 revolution asked, “How often has it happened in the past - it will probably happen again - that a small and relatively insignificant proportion of a population swept out an honest and irresolute majority by appealing nakedly to primitive instincts and elemental passions?


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