Sunday, February 28, 2010

Obama Angers Gaia

You notice how many earthquakes there are since Obama ascended to office? Surely the media and progressives would see the connection if Geo. Bush was still in office.

1. READER BRENT KILPATRICK WRITES: “After watching the U.S. 4-man bobsled team win Gold for the first time in 62 years I had a thought. Since President Obama seems embarrassed by ‘American exceptionalism’ do you think he would have preferred a Bronze?”

2. GOVERNMENT AT WORK ? The Department of Energy's latest report on the Weatherization Assistance Program—a $5 billion piece of the now year-old Recovery Act—is disheartening. A mere $368.2 million dollars of the $5 billion have been spent and about 5 percent of units allocated funding across the nation have been completed. Of the top 10 most funded states, only two have completed more than 2 percent of the planned units (as you can see in the chart below), and there has been more time spent taking wage surveys, in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, than there has been caulking, stripping and insulating homes.
"In short," the report says, "the Nation has not, to date, realized the potential economic benefits of the $5 billion ... The job creation impact of what was considered to be one of the Department's most 'shovel ready' projects has not materialized. And, modest income home residents have not enjoyed the significant reductions in energy consumption and improved living conditions promised as part of the massive Recovery Act weatherization effort." This bureaucratic failure has churned up significant backlash to the administration's efforts. Some have called this program a stimulus waste; others are asking about the merit of weatherizing homes at all. AND SOON EFFICIENT AND IMPARTIAL GOVERNMENT WILL ALSO ADMINISTER HEALTHCARE!

3. Just as misandry does not exist, men do not exist, unless they commit crimes or do bad things. When they do good things, they are "people" or "personnel." When they do bad things, they are men. Seriously, watch it and see if it rings true. It certainly did for me --and the sudden realization that I was unaware that these things had been slipped by me over the years started to piss me off, as I don't take kindly to being manipulated.

4. OBAMA is what you get when entitlement meets ignorance


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