1. Economic Law that politicians and academics will never understand : Both theory and evidence tell us that you can’t raise wages nationwide through bargaining. (You might raise them in one sector, but only at the cost of lowering them in other sectors, and overall you’ll make people poorer, not richer.) The only way to raise wages is to make people more productive. This means providing them with more and better capital and giving them opportunities to trade.
2. Sweatshop are good : Back in 1992, a ten year old Bangladeshi girl named Moyna was one of 50,000 children who lost their jobs in the wake of protectionist legislation sponsored by the execrable union-backed Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. How does Moyna feel about Americans now? “They loathe us, don’t they?”, she says. “We are poor and not well educated, so they simply despise us. That is why they shut the factories down.” (The quote is from this report by the Bangladeshi activist
Yes, but GREEN things are not necessarily good or truly green.
The car for the Green is the pious Prius. The Prius does 48mpg on a highway, but my Citroen C5 does 57mpg on a highway. (official figures). Thus my car is more Green and does not contain oodles of heavy metals.
3. The energy for the Green is Wind. But wind power produced absolutely nothing during our January cold snap, because we were under a high pressure system. If we had all been Green, we would have all been dead.
4. Green is not good, nor is it rational. Green is a religion - and Cameron needs excommunicating.
5. The Global warming Hoaxsters never give up: Dr Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, said: “This new set of data confirms the trend towards rising global temperatures and suggest that, if anything, the world is warming even more quickly than we had thought.”
Everyone should perceive flaws! To talk about "sceptics" as the ones who will "seize" upon "evidence" of flaws is unwittingly to make global warming into a matter of religion and not science. It's not the skeptics who look bad. "Seize" sounds willful, but science should motivate us to grab at evidence. It's the nonskeptics who look bad. It's not science to be a true believer who wants to ignore new evidence. It's not science to support a man who has the job of being a scientist but doesn't adhere to the methods of science.
One wonders why the British press is all over this story, yet the US press doesn't cover it?
Is it because the pissing away of UK and EU funds is more advanced and obvious now, or
is it because the US MSM is still provding cover for our statists and their beliefs/goals.
6. From Eric Hoffer quoting R.S. Aldrich, a cleric in 1947: “What a task confronts the American clergy preaching the good news of a savior to people who for the most part have no real sense of sin.” What an insight for today; affluent bored Americans wallow in materialism and pay little attention to Christian religion because they have no sense of sin or shame. This makes them fertile ground for planting the spurious religion of Environmentalism whith sins against the planet, such as pollution. The Christian idea of sin against God and man has been replaced by fuzzy sins against Gaia. As Hoffer maintains there is a need for a movement that you can be subservient to.
1. Economic Law that politicians and academics will never understand : Both theory and evidence tell us that you can’t raise wages nationwide through bargaining. (You might raise them in one sector, but only at the cost of lowering them in other sectors, and overall you’ll make people poorer, not richer.) The only way to raise wages is to make people more productive. This means providing them with more and better capital and giving them opportunities to trade.
2. Sweatshop are good : Back in 1992, a ten year old Bangladeshi girl named Moyna was one of 50,000 children who lost their jobs in the wake of protectionist legislation sponsored by the execrable union-backed Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. How does Moyna feel about Americans now? “They loathe us, don’t they?”, she says. “We are poor and not well educated, so they simply despise us. That is why they shut the factories down.” (The quote is from this report by the Bangladeshi activist
Yes, but GREEN things are not necessarily good or truly green.
The car for the Green is the pious Prius. The Prius does 48mpg on a highway, but my Citroen C5 does 57mpg on a highway. (official figures). Thus my car is more Green and does not contain oodles of heavy metals.
3. The energy for the Green is Wind. But wind power produced absolutely nothing during our January cold snap, because we were under a high pressure system. If we had all been Green, we would have all been dead.
4. Green is not good, nor is it rational. Green is a religion - and Cameron needs excommunicating.
5. The Global warming Hoaxsters never give up: Dr Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, said: “This new set of data confirms the trend towards rising global temperatures and suggest that, if anything, the world is warming even more quickly than we had thought.”
Everyone should perceive flaws! To talk about "sceptics" as the ones who will "seize" upon "evidence" of flaws is unwittingly to make global warming into a matter of religion and not science. It's not the skeptics who look bad. "Seize" sounds willful, but science should motivate us to grab at evidence. It's the nonskeptics who look bad. It's not science to be a true believer who wants to ignore new evidence. It's not science to support a man who has the job of being a scientist but doesn't adhere to the methods of science.
One wonders why the British press is all over this story, yet the US press doesn't cover it?
Is it because the pissing away of UK and EU funds is more advanced and obvious now, or
is it because the US MSM is still provding cover for our statists and their beliefs/goals.
6. From Eric Hoffer quoting R.S. Aldrich, a cleric in 1947: “What a task confronts the American clergy preaching the good news of a savior to people who for the most part have no real sense of sin.” What an insight for today; affluent bored Americans wallow in materialism and pay little attention to Christian religion because they have no sense of sin or shame. This makes them fertile ground for planting the spurious religion of Environmentalism whith sins against the planet, such as pollution. The Christian idea of sin against God and man has been replaced by fuzzy sins against Gaia. As Hoffer maintains there is a need for a movement that you can be subservient to.
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