Tuesday, April 09, 2013


CONSISTENCY IS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: Obama declares Tuesday ‘National Equal Pay Day,’ despite paying female staffers less than male counterparts. NO WONDER HE’S ACTING SO DESPERATE: Obama’s Approval On Guns, Immigration, Deficit Underwater. “Forty-five percent approve of the president’s push to reform the nation’s gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. school shooting, while 52% say they disapprove.” NEWS YOU CAN USE: By the way, we won the Iraq War. Plus: “Isn’t it odd how everybody stopped keeping a death toll of Americans killed overseas on January 20, 2009? But then, as the great lady once said: What difference does it make?” HOW DO YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JOURNALIST AND A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE? GOVERNMENT WORKERS HAVE BETTER PENSION PLAN. Obama's speech, at once demagogic and pathetic Obama uttered one of the worst lines in the history of presidential oratory yesterday: "This is about these families and families all across the country who are saying let's make it a little harder for our kids to get gunned down."


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