Saturday, April 06, 2013

Watch the P’s and C’s

Watch the P’s and C’s The American dream today is not being an American. How do I know? Only that which is un-American counts for any preference, privilege or position in this Obama world of the 3 P’s. Also, the 3 C’s, corruption, collusion and cronyism count for virtually all activity in Washington. The 4th C, capitalism, is gone. True capitalism, the free exchanges of goods and services, a free market driven by supply and demand is gone. The capital sin of greed ( excessive or insatiable desire for wealth) accounts for the corruption of politicians and corporations. They practice collusion with the government for favors or absence of punishment in a system of mutually beneficial cronysim. The 3 C's rule in Obama’s world. As a disciple of Machiavellian politics, Obama - out of necessity - practices expediency to maintain power over the people.


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