Ask Our State Representative To Take A Stand Against
Obamacareʼs Medicaid Expansion
Tell Representative :
• The federal government has made an empty promise vowing to pay 100% of the cost of expansion
for three years, declining to 90% by 2020. The US government is already $16.4 trillion in debt with
$6 trillion added in the past four years. Eventually, Ohioans will be left holding the bag for the cost of
Medicaid expansion. Even Governor Kasich agrees:
• Kasich claims expansion will help Ohioʼs most vulnerable, but Medicaid is not a compassionate
health care plan for the poor. 28% of office based doctors in Ohio refuse to see Medicaid patients
and a University of Virginia study found that Medicaid patients are significantly more likely to die in
hospitals after surgery than insured patients and are even more likely to die than uninsured patients.
• Medicaid expansion will drive up insurance premiums for all Ohioans. Since doctors and hospitals
are not fully compensated under Medicaid, medical providers make up the difference by charging
higher rates to their insured patients, thus increasing premiums for all.
• Kasich says he wants to keep Ohio tax dollars in Ohio. But, Ohioans are federal taxpayers too.
So, how does shifting the debt burden to the federal government help Ohioans?? Whether we are
taxed on our Ohio return or our federal return, you can be sure that Ohioans will pay for expansion.
• Ohioans cannot rely on the cost estimates for expansion because participation rates have been
grossly understated. The Kasich budget projects 275,000 new Medicaid enrollees, but the Milliman
Report commissioned by Kasichʼs own Department of Insurance, anticipates Medicaid participation
to increase by as much as 1,072,000 by 2017.
“Now, when it comes to Medicaid expansion the government tells me, ʻWell,
weʼll pay 90% and you pay 10.ʼ Well Iʼve been in Washington, unfortunately,
and today itʼs 90 and tomorrow itʼs 80 and the next day itʼs 70.” (Kasich,
“Coffee & Markets”, August 2, 2012)
" "
Governor Kasich has proposed to begin the implementation of Obamacare in Ohio through Medicaid
expansion. By doing so, he mires the poorest Ohioans in a broken and unsustainable health care
scheme which will leave a mountain of debt in its wake. Donʼt let Kasich unleash the wrecking ball of
Obamacare across Ohio. Our state representatives need to hear from us now.
Tell them that we know the facts and are watching their votes.
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