Sunday, September 11, 2011


9/11 Memorials through out the nation are weepy peans to loss. We lament the dead and injured and begin, 10 years late, building memorial to them. But no where is there an assertion of the indomitable spirit and determinations of Americans to prevail over the barbarians who dare to stike at liberty.

A fitting memorial to the dead an injured would have been if the president had planned a worldwide stike at the terroists where ever they may be found. A year of planning involving the military and intelligence services could have identified a multiplicity of targets site and indiviuals terrorists and on 9/11/11 the hammer of rightous wrath could have descended upon them in a lesson that all poential terrorists would see the strength of United State might and resolve. Terrorist, and I am speaking of Islamists, respect strenght and not weeping.

This could have been a day that left all terrorist weeping at their losses and loss of face. Instead we have New York banniing firemen and clergy from the 9/11 service but finding room for the "Executive Deputy Assistant Directors of Healing and Outreach'. God only know how many of those useless bureaucrat there are.


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