We the people,
Eleven score, three years and one month ago, WE THE PEOPLE, on Sept.17, 1787, signed a Constitution to ‘form a more perfect union’ and ‘secure the blessings of liberty.’ Liberty is in jeopardy now. We live in two Americas. 80% of Americans self-identify as moderates or conservatives in polls; only 20% call themselves liberals or progressives. But who do you think constitutes the ruling class? The 20%! The Tea Party stands with the majority, with the Constitution of our founders, with traditional values like limited government, fiscal responsibility and a free market system. WE’RE OUT HERE. WE’RE NOT ALONE. WE’RE NOT GOING AWAY!
Locally, I have been known as the refrigerator lady. In a commercial for my business, I asked customers to buy refrigerators so that I would not have to carry them on my back down the street to my store’s new location. But, it has come to this... to what am I forced to say. “Mr. President, get off my back! I don’t want government on my back. I want to be able to choose to carry my own load. - whether it be a refrigerator or a backpack.”
Benjamin Franklin said, “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. YOU have to catch it yourself.” Government intrusion and spending cannot substitute for happiness or personal responsibility. We in the TEA party say we are ‘taxed enough already.’ Our government ran a 1 trillion dollar DEFICIT just last year. Our present 14 trillion dollar DEBT counts on foreign countries to keep us afloat now and on our children and grandchildren to bail us out in the future. Our captain at the helm is overloading our ship of state with debt; as passengers we are slowly drowning. Government spending should be limited to the few jobs that government does best - national defense, police safety, a stable currency and protection under the laws.
The present situation, however, is hopeful. Some conservative politicians already serve. The ground swell Tea Party movement IS making a big difference. Several of our candidates have won their primaries. Upset winner, Christine O’Donnell in Delaware, raised 2 million dollars of support money over the Internet in ONLY 2 days. Remember the 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally? Hundreds of thousands rallied in Washington D.C. at their own expense with no arrests or leftover trash. They represent the majority in America like us Tea Partiers, who see our country right side up. The liberal minority, on the other hand, demonize us. What do you expect when they see THEIR country upside down? What would you expect from a small, funded, liberal crowd at the One Nation rally on Oct. 2nd at the same Lincoln Memorial? They lounged through the Pledge of Allegiance, trashed the mall and dumped their refuse on the World War II memorial.
Government as big brother still cannot censor MY motives or behavior. As a senior citizen, I am free to look back into history for my choice of a heroine. In John Greenleaf Whittier’s poem, ‘Frietchie,’ the aged heroine in a town occupied during the Civil War says: “Shoot if you must this old gray head, but spare your country’s flag.” WE, are all Barbara Frietchie’ s now. * We are all called upon to be Barbara Frietchie’s to wave the flag and save our beloved country. We women are called. You men are called. You young patriots out there are called. Our children and grandchildren will be called. WE the people are called to the CAUSE to preserve our country’s honor, our personal freedoms and our Constitution.
We Tea Partiers have been called “spoiled brats’ by the 20% minority, because we do not acquiesce to their version of transforming America! They would have us believe men are beasts, women are victims of stifling motherhood and America throughout her history has NOT tried to put her best foot forward. They want us to believe that our Constitution did NOT root our freedoms in natural rights from God.
We will NOT let liberals re-define our rights by governmental fiat. We will NOT allow them to punish our accumulation of saving or redistribute our wealth. We reject their claim that the free market is rooted in greed, that capitalism is the enemy of progress.
The pursuit of happiness by the creation of wealth IS good. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett made their fortunes providing products and services to millions of people willing to pay for them. Their companies benefit BOTH consumers and investors and provide millions of jobs. Through hard work and free enterprise, Bill, Steve and Warren spread the wealth. Liberals talk down wealth by talking UP community service. BUT they usually follow career paths which increase their wealth as they produce nothing. Hypocritically, they want government to spread around YOUR wealth.
Only the numbers, salaries and benefits of government workers have increased since 2008. In 2009, they grew by 19% as unemployment stands at 10%. Dependence upon government is at an all time high. Can you believe that ½ of American households receive some government help?
Yet, WE THE PEOPLE, do not have enough jobs. In Fayette County, the ‘summer of recovery’ turned into a hard luck fall (pun intended). Jobs equate with dignity. The present administration humiliates each man and woman by its policies that aim to keep Americans dependent and unemployed.
I personally know a good man who believes one’s first duties are to family and country. The Tea Party says, do YOUR duty in November. If a candidate shares our core, conservative values, fine, vote for him or her. Check out other Tea Party websites. Here are additional guidelines to help decide your vote.
Question the truth of each candidate’s ads. Vote each big government incumbent out of office. If an incumbent has had 3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9 or 10 terms in office , vote him or her out. Vote against any declared liberal, because liberals LIE. Vote against candidates who emphasize feelings not facts or can’t give a straight answer to a question. Do the math, then learn from the math. A 300 million dollar solar panel plant in Ohio will create (or save) 600 jobs. The cost? $420,000 per job. Ask yourself: “Why does it cost so much? Will I get hired?” Be aware of Democrats hijacked by liberals or a RINO, a Republican in name only, also a liberal. Be aware of the liberal bias of mainstream media and journalists. When you hear the word ‘investment’ - you know it means spending. The word ‘appropriation’ or ‘levy’ - means tax. The words ‘grant’, ‘subsidy’ and ‘program’ - mean ‘giveaway of your money.’ The word, ‘incentive’ - means obey and be rewarded or resist and you’ll be punished. When a candidate says he’s ‘fighting for you’ - beware. He might be using your money and your neighbors’ money to advance his political career.
Remember the game, “Red rover, red rover, let so and so come over,” we played as carefree, reckless children? Two opposing sides call out one individual to break through the line. Unfortunately, America now consists of two lines. Tea Partiers, conservatives and moderates line up on the right side. In the other line? Power-playing, tax- loving, fiscally compromised, freedom punishing, big government spenders line up on the left. The elites vs. WE the people. Liberals vs. WE the people. The ruling class establishment vs. WE the people. Do WE the people have any choice other than to vote THEM OUT OF THE GAME?
We can’t complain if we do not vote. A sheep-like complacency won’t due. We need leaders who believe that our founders look at nature as an inspiration not as a fragile planet. We need leaders who look up to a higher power for guidance. We need leaders with convictions without compromise. WE THE PEOPLE are practical, common sense, self-reliant Americans who are not going to elect politicians drunk on power and spending.
Let the great restoration of our beloved country begin! WE the people are on the march. WE can march into the history books in November. * Like Barbara Frietchie, let’s wave and wave and WAVE our flag - our symbol of liberty.
Eleven score, three years and one month ago, WE THE PEOPLE, on Sept.17, 1787, signed a Constitution to ‘form a more perfect union’ and ‘secure the blessings of liberty.’ Liberty is in jeopardy now. We live in two Americas. 80% of Americans self-identify as moderates or conservatives in polls; only 20% call themselves liberals or progressives. But who do you think constitutes the ruling class? The 20%! The Tea Party stands with the majority, with the Constitution of our founders, with traditional values like limited government, fiscal responsibility and a free market system. WE’RE OUT HERE. WE’RE NOT ALONE. WE’RE NOT GOING AWAY!
Locally, I have been known as the refrigerator lady. In a commercial for my business, I asked customers to buy refrigerators so that I would not have to carry them on my back down the street to my store’s new location. But, it has come to this... to what am I forced to say. “Mr. President, get off my back! I don’t want government on my back. I want to be able to choose to carry my own load. - whether it be a refrigerator or a backpack.”
Benjamin Franklin said, “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. YOU have to catch it yourself.” Government intrusion and spending cannot substitute for happiness or personal responsibility. We in the TEA party say we are ‘taxed enough already.’ Our government ran a 1 trillion dollar DEFICIT just last year. Our present 14 trillion dollar DEBT counts on foreign countries to keep us afloat now and on our children and grandchildren to bail us out in the future. Our captain at the helm is overloading our ship of state with debt; as passengers we are slowly drowning. Government spending should be limited to the few jobs that government does best - national defense, police safety, a stable currency and protection under the laws.
The present situation, however, is hopeful. Some conservative politicians already serve. The ground swell Tea Party movement IS making a big difference. Several of our candidates have won their primaries. Upset winner, Christine O’Donnell in Delaware, raised 2 million dollars of support money over the Internet in ONLY 2 days. Remember the 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally? Hundreds of thousands rallied in Washington D.C. at their own expense with no arrests or leftover trash. They represent the majority in America like us Tea Partiers, who see our country right side up. The liberal minority, on the other hand, demonize us. What do you expect when they see THEIR country upside down? What would you expect from a small, funded, liberal crowd at the One Nation rally on Oct. 2nd at the same Lincoln Memorial? They lounged through the Pledge of Allegiance, trashed the mall and dumped their refuse on the World War II memorial.
Government as big brother still cannot censor MY motives or behavior. As a senior citizen, I am free to look back into history for my choice of a heroine. In John Greenleaf Whittier’s poem, ‘Frietchie,’ the aged heroine in a town occupied during the Civil War says: “Shoot if you must this old gray head, but spare your country’s flag.” WE, are all Barbara Frietchie’ s now. * We are all called upon to be Barbara Frietchie’s to wave the flag and save our beloved country. We women are called. You men are called. You young patriots out there are called. Our children and grandchildren will be called. WE the people are called to the CAUSE to preserve our country’s honor, our personal freedoms and our Constitution.
We Tea Partiers have been called “spoiled brats’ by the 20% minority, because we do not acquiesce to their version of transforming America! They would have us believe men are beasts, women are victims of stifling motherhood and America throughout her history has NOT tried to put her best foot forward. They want us to believe that our Constitution did NOT root our freedoms in natural rights from God.
We will NOT let liberals re-define our rights by governmental fiat. We will NOT allow them to punish our accumulation of saving or redistribute our wealth. We reject their claim that the free market is rooted in greed, that capitalism is the enemy of progress.
The pursuit of happiness by the creation of wealth IS good. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett made their fortunes providing products and services to millions of people willing to pay for them. Their companies benefit BOTH consumers and investors and provide millions of jobs. Through hard work and free enterprise, Bill, Steve and Warren spread the wealth. Liberals talk down wealth by talking UP community service. BUT they usually follow career paths which increase their wealth as they produce nothing. Hypocritically, they want government to spread around YOUR wealth.
Only the numbers, salaries and benefits of government workers have increased since 2008. In 2009, they grew by 19% as unemployment stands at 10%. Dependence upon government is at an all time high. Can you believe that ½ of American households receive some government help?
Yet, WE THE PEOPLE, do not have enough jobs. In Fayette County, the ‘summer of recovery’ turned into a hard luck fall (pun intended). Jobs equate with dignity. The present administration humiliates each man and woman by its policies that aim to keep Americans dependent and unemployed.
I personally know a good man who believes one’s first duties are to family and country. The Tea Party says, do YOUR duty in November. If a candidate shares our core, conservative values, fine, vote for him or her. Check out other Tea Party websites. Here are additional guidelines to help decide your vote.
Question the truth of each candidate’s ads. Vote each big government incumbent out of office. If an incumbent has had 3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9 or 10 terms in office , vote him or her out. Vote against any declared liberal, because liberals LIE. Vote against candidates who emphasize feelings not facts or can’t give a straight answer to a question. Do the math, then learn from the math. A 300 million dollar solar panel plant in Ohio will create (or save) 600 jobs. The cost? $420,000 per job. Ask yourself: “Why does it cost so much? Will I get hired?” Be aware of Democrats hijacked by liberals or a RINO, a Republican in name only, also a liberal. Be aware of the liberal bias of mainstream media and journalists. When you hear the word ‘investment’ - you know it means spending. The word ‘appropriation’ or ‘levy’ - means tax. The words ‘grant’, ‘subsidy’ and ‘program’ - mean ‘giveaway of your money.’ The word, ‘incentive’ - means obey and be rewarded or resist and you’ll be punished. When a candidate says he’s ‘fighting for you’ - beware. He might be using your money and your neighbors’ money to advance his political career.
Remember the game, “Red rover, red rover, let so and so come over,” we played as carefree, reckless children? Two opposing sides call out one individual to break through the line. Unfortunately, America now consists of two lines. Tea Partiers, conservatives and moderates line up on the right side. In the other line? Power-playing, tax- loving, fiscally compromised, freedom punishing, big government spenders line up on the left. The elites vs. WE the people. Liberals vs. WE the people. The ruling class establishment vs. WE the people. Do WE the people have any choice other than to vote THEM OUT OF THE GAME?
We can’t complain if we do not vote. A sheep-like complacency won’t due. We need leaders who believe that our founders look at nature as an inspiration not as a fragile planet. We need leaders who look up to a higher power for guidance. We need leaders with convictions without compromise. WE THE PEOPLE are practical, common sense, self-reliant Americans who are not going to elect politicians drunk on power and spending.
Let the great restoration of our beloved country begin! WE the people are on the march. WE can march into the history books in November. * Like Barbara Frietchie, let’s wave and wave and WAVE our flag - our symbol of liberty.
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