The tale’s tail end tells it all! On August 28th, a conservative group held the Restoring Honor Rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial and on October 2nd, 400 progressives organizations and unions held the One Nation Rally at the same place. The proof is in the pictures of the paper trail left behind. The Restoring Honor Rally attended by at least 300,000, left nary a tattered Constitution Pamphlet on the ground at the mall. But, the One Nation crowd of perhaps 50,000, left the mall littered with pre-printed signs and pamphlets from progressives, socialists and communists. Since the elitist progressives must ‘hydrate’ all day, the mall was littered with water bottles and hamburger wrappers too. Heaven forfend Michelle Obama ever find out that progressives eat ‘fast food’; she could accept tofu bar wrappers and yogurt cups but not Big Macs.
Literally, the ‘litter’ residue explains the difference between a conservative and a progressive philosophy. I will adapt my language to the new idiom of Barack Obama and the Saul Alinsky progressives. To alert you to the smoke and mirrors language of the progressives or Obama’s strawman’s words, I am using single quotes around words as in ‘hope,’ ‘change’ or ‘expert consensus’ for Obamaisms. They sound good but signify nothing.
‘As everyone knows,’ conservatives are against the ‘workingman’ and will do anything to deprive ‘working Americans’ of jobs. They do not litter and even clean up after the less fastidious. Definitely anti-labor. ‘The consensus of the experts’ is that progressives are ‘pro-labor.’ They make a mess and leave it for others to clean up. When the conservatives left the mall, there was no need for a clean-up crew. When the progressives left the mall, there was work for days by well- paid, ‘unionized government workers’ from SEIU. They are definitely in favor of ‘make work’ to enable government growth.
The Restoring Honor Rally presented messages from Glenn Beck, Alveda King and Sarah Palin about higher purposes in life than serving the government, about honor, faith and self reliance as the hallmarks of America. At One Nation, Al Sharpton, race hustler, Jesse Jackson, relic from the 60's, Van Jones, self- proclaimed Communist and a former Obama’s Czar, and Harry Belafonte, clueless actor, held forth demanding ‘more’ of everything from the government. Jobs, social services, immigration amnesty, socialism and dismantling of the military were the usual tired themes of the left wing. They had ‘hope’ the government would take care of them and confidence things in progressive ‘change.’
Then there is the contrast between the sponsors and the messages. Restoring Honor Rally was the brainchild of one man Glenn Beck, a talk show host. He organized, financed and hosted the rally. Patriotic Americans paid their own expenses to attend and participate in the rally. Speeches emphasized the ideas that America is the land of opportunity and citizens control the government. Of course, mainstream media ignored the rally and declared it a ‘non-event’.
One Nation Rally was the brainchild of 400 progressive organizations. They claim their plans were made months before Glenn Beck conceived his rally. The fantasy was for up to 2 million to attend because of the ‘loyalty’ and ‘passion’ of progressives. Union dues, grants, ordinary taxpayers’ monies and ‘spooky’ sources financed the rally. Free buses were provided and signs pre-printed. As rally day dawned, rally organizers found that few people were waiting to be loaded onto the buses. The Washington mall was eerily silent until members of the loony left arrived: Communist Party USA, Ohio University Democratic Socialists, Service Employees International (SEIU), Code Pink, La Raza and the Ya Ya Network. Were the lefties embarrassed by their ‘small’, 50,000, turnout? Out of embarrassment, the mainstream media declared this a ‘non-event’ because it would not do to reports the failures of the progressives pining for a return to the golden age of Woodstock and the 60's.
The most disconcerting photo of One Nation is the general public ignoring the recitation of the Pledge Of Allegiance. I know the attitude of the CPUSA, but I surely would have loved to see what Ohio University Democratic Socialists were doing during the pledge.
What is the moral lesson to be gleaned from my tale of two rallies? The proof is in the paper trail left behind, in the detritus of socialism. Is the ‘collective’ brain better than the ‘entrepreneurial’ brain? As I ponder this question, I think I’ll have a cup of tea.
The Fayette County Tea Party will be joined by Tea Parties of nine other counties in a regional Rally for Liberty on October 17th in Washington Court House. It will rekindle the spirit of our founding fathers. Everyone who believes in limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets and adherence to our Constitution should be there. We can be bigger than One Nation.
The tale’s tail end tells it all! On August 28th, a conservative group held the Restoring Honor Rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial and on October 2nd, 400 progressives organizations and unions held the One Nation Rally at the same place. The proof is in the pictures of the paper trail left behind. The Restoring Honor Rally attended by at least 300,000, left nary a tattered Constitution Pamphlet on the ground at the mall. But, the One Nation crowd of perhaps 50,000, left the mall littered with pre-printed signs and pamphlets from progressives, socialists and communists. Since the elitist progressives must ‘hydrate’ all day, the mall was littered with water bottles and hamburger wrappers too. Heaven forfend Michelle Obama ever find out that progressives eat ‘fast food’; she could accept tofu bar wrappers and yogurt cups but not Big Macs.
Literally, the ‘litter’ residue explains the difference between a conservative and a progressive philosophy. I will adapt my language to the new idiom of Barack Obama and the Saul Alinsky progressives. To alert you to the smoke and mirrors language of the progressives or Obama’s strawman’s words, I am using single quotes around words as in ‘hope,’ ‘change’ or ‘expert consensus’ for Obamaisms. They sound good but signify nothing.
‘As everyone knows,’ conservatives are against the ‘workingman’ and will do anything to deprive ‘working Americans’ of jobs. They do not litter and even clean up after the less fastidious. Definitely anti-labor. ‘The consensus of the experts’ is that progressives are ‘pro-labor.’ They make a mess and leave it for others to clean up. When the conservatives left the mall, there was no need for a clean-up crew. When the progressives left the mall, there was work for days by well- paid, ‘unionized government workers’ from SEIU. They are definitely in favor of ‘make work’ to enable government growth.
The Restoring Honor Rally presented messages from Glenn Beck, Alveda King and Sarah Palin about higher purposes in life than serving the government, about honor, faith and self reliance as the hallmarks of America. At One Nation, Al Sharpton, race hustler, Jesse Jackson, relic from the 60's, Van Jones, self- proclaimed Communist and a former Obama’s Czar, and Harry Belafonte, clueless actor, held forth demanding ‘more’ of everything from the government. Jobs, social services, immigration amnesty, socialism and dismantling of the military were the usual tired themes of the left wing. They had ‘hope’ the government would take care of them and confidence things in progressive ‘change.’
Then there is the contrast between the sponsors and the messages. Restoring Honor Rally was the brainchild of one man Glenn Beck, a talk show host. He organized, financed and hosted the rally. Patriotic Americans paid their own expenses to attend and participate in the rally. Speeches emphasized the ideas that America is the land of opportunity and citizens control the government. Of course, mainstream media ignored the rally and declared it a ‘non-event’.
One Nation Rally was the brainchild of 400 progressive organizations. They claim their plans were made months before Glenn Beck conceived his rally. The fantasy was for up to 2 million to attend because of the ‘loyalty’ and ‘passion’ of progressives. Union dues, grants, ordinary taxpayers’ monies and ‘spooky’ sources financed the rally. Free buses were provided and signs pre-printed. As rally day dawned, rally organizers found that few people were waiting to be loaded onto the buses. The Washington mall was eerily silent until members of the loony left arrived: Communist Party USA, Ohio University Democratic Socialists, Service Employees International (SEIU), Code Pink, La Raza and the Ya Ya Network. Were the lefties embarrassed by their ‘small’, 50,000, turnout? Out of embarrassment, the mainstream media declared this a ‘non-event’ because it would not do to reports the failures of the progressives pining for a return to the golden age of Woodstock and the 60's.
The most disconcerting photo of One Nation is the general public ignoring the recitation of the Pledge Of Allegiance. I know the attitude of the CPUSA, but I surely would have loved to see what Ohio University Democratic Socialists were doing during the pledge.
What is the moral lesson to be gleaned from my tale of two rallies? The proof is in the paper trail left behind, in the detritus of socialism. Is the ‘collective’ brain better than the ‘entrepreneurial’ brain? As I ponder this question, I think I’ll have a cup of tea.
The Fayette County Tea Party will be joined by Tea Parties of nine other counties in a regional Rally for Liberty on October 17th in Washington Court House. It will rekindle the spirit of our founding fathers. Everyone who believes in limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets and adherence to our Constitution should be there. We can be bigger than One Nation.
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