Sunday, August 15, 2010


“ Let the children pay” is the new theme of the Obama administration. Most Americans have seen through the hypocrisy of politicians intoning ‘for the children’ as the justification for each and every new law that strips freedom ands adds to our national debt. Refreshingly, Obama’s administration is finally being honest on the subject. “Let the children pay” for TARP, bank bailouts, seized auto companies, runaway government benefits, crony handouts and, the mother of all monstrosities, Obamacare. Those in cradles, diapers and school can pay for the extravagances of politicians intent on grabbing power, spreading the wealth to their cronies and making their mark on history. Obama hoped history would see him as FDR and JFK rolled into one but every day he looks more like Jimmy Carter, the most incompetent President in history.

The International Monetary Fund recent report states that the “United States is committing suicide by debt.” Day by day Obama adds trillions to the debt with new programs, bailouts and giveaways that will be paid for by the children. Political power now, children pay later. Yet Obama crushes one industry after another: oil is evil, coal is an abomination, autos are for unions not customers, unprofitable ‘green shoots’ supplant profitable businesses, agriculture must controlled, and so on into all phases of production. When the nation is a wasteland of rusting factories, how will the children pay for what Obama spent today?

At the grass roots level, citizens are demanding accountability. Citizen inspired movements, such as the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party, are reasserting the basic principle of our Constitution that government is the servant of the people and not the master. The overwhelming will of the people in California and Arizona about the definition of marriage and enforcement of illegal immigration laws, has been rejected by the elite who state emphatically they know better than the unwashed masses. In the New York mosque controversy, the mayor, governor and the President lecture the unsophisticated people that they are racists and should shut up. The Tea Party and millions of Americans say, ‘the day of government abuse of citizens is over.’ People will march, rally and vote in November. What fear this strikes in the hearts of politicians who expect a flock of sheeple.

But fear breeds desperation. The political elites and their enablers - unions, academics, the media, and the charlatan carpetbaggers and scallywags, are even now blanketing the nation with misinformation, lies and distortions about all citizen grass roots movements. They want a fearful ignorant citizenry willingly following the siren calls of silly phrases, like Hope and Change, or lining up by the 1,000's for applications for a Section 8 Housing vouchers. Lies for your own good are proposed by Obama media sycophants. Matt Yglesis said on TV: “Fighting dishonesty with dishonesty is sometimes the right thing for advocates to do, yes.” Am I wrong to think that the media should not be shills for Obama?
If you can’t tell the truth find a noble euphemism to obscure the facts. “Hope and Change” fooled a lot of people in 2008 but even now many Democrats are realizing that they were hoodwinked by a progressive in Democrat clothing. Several months ago, Obama realizing that ‘hope’ was gone and ‘change’ is coming in November convened a group of professors and historians in the White House to restore belief in magic spells from Washington. As The New Republic reported: “Obama had hit on the phrase the New Foundation. He tried it out with Presidential historians at a private dinner in the White House. Doris Kearns Goodwin nixed it. She said it sounded ‘like a woman’s girdle.’ Goodwin was right. But it underscores the complete vacuity of a public policy built on word smithing. The administration was trying on words like a courtier at Versailles might try on a hat or a dress thinking it would make a difference.” Now when the polls show an impending bloodbath for the Democrats in November, they’re still spending their money on pollsters, spin-doctors, PR men, media mouthpieces, talking points memos and the whole clanking apparatus of political witchcraft. What is the new phrase? What is the new buzzword? Is anyone else disturbed that academics and historians are called in to help fabricate and spin the policies that government pushes and citizen reject?

The people want to know, “Why are you selling my children into bondage?” Obama and the elites in Congress, statehouses and courthouses are deaf to the cries of the people. The Tea Party has arrived in Fayette County to help give voice to the citizens will.

Remember the line in the Bible when Jesus says, “Suffer the little children to come unto to me.” Remember the line was spoken by our savior not by big government handing out insufferable IOU’s to the children.


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