Sunday, April 04, 2010


1. Why are you surprised? The important question to ask yourself is what kind of person is attracted to leftism. And the answer is a child. A child in a large body, but not a grownup. The world is incomprehensible and therefore maddening to someone who can't grow up. So what does he do? He throws excrement at the grownup world in a resentment filled tantrum.That's Alinsky in a nutshell. And Obama. Scratch Obama and there, just below the surface, is pure malevolence. Malevolence at what? At the productive. At those who make the world work. The adults. They must be punished. Simply for being adults. Simply for being adjusted. That's how horrible the Left is: an enraged child throwing shit at what it can't understand and can't be part of.

2. George Will at his finest:
Politics in a democracy is transactional: Politicians seek votes by promising to do things for voters, who seek promises in exchange for their votes. Because logrolling is how legislative coalitions are cobbled together in a continental nation, the auction by which reluctant House Democrats were purchased has been disillusioning only to sentimentalists with illusions about society’s stock of disinterestedness.
Besides, some of the transactions [that created Obamacare] were almost gorgeous: Government policy having helped make water scarce in California’s Central Valley, the party of expanding government secured two votes by increasing rations of the scarcity. Thus did one dependency lubricate legislation that establishes others.
Such legislation is a classic example of politicians’ heavy-handedness. Ignorant of the countless details that must be mastered to make the airline industry work even reasonably well – but intoxicated with crude fantasies of how it should work – politicians castrate pilots, gate agents, executives who specialize in making flight schedules, and myriad other airline specialists of their abilities to respond effectively to the vast array of ever-changing facts that must be reckoned with if each flight is to have a respectable chance of being safe and on-time.

3. As Thomas Sowell writes on page 17 of his latest book, Intellectuals and Society, “Why the transfer of decisions from those with personal experience and a stake in the outcome to those with neither can be expected to lead to better decisions is a question seldom asked, much less answered.”


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