Friday, March 05, 2010

1. Put it this way: Leftism fails as a coherent philosophy on its own terms. We shouldn’t try to wring significance from the delusional outburst of someone who just happened to be leftist. There are plenty of ways to logically disembowel Marxism and its numerous noxious contemporary offspring without having to resort to an unnecessary round of political “gotcha!”

2. Is liberalism just a mental disorder?
3. Herb London, president of the Hudson Institute, said:
In my judgment President Obama has not yet learned the lesson of overreaching. It is apparent that he is intent on fundamentally reshaping the national character by extending and formalizing the influence of government. What he does not seem to realize is that the United States is ostensibly a center-right nation suspicious of government and resolute in its determination to maintain individual liberty. The accumulation of debt, the insinuation of government into private sector activities (insurance, banking, automobiles) and the persistent desire to nationalize healthcare have awakened an impulse to rebel among many Americans. The Tea Partiers are merely one manifestation of this unrest. In my judgment the president would be wise to resist his ideological temptations and cogitate about next steps. Being less assertive and more contemplative would suit his long term interests far better

Glenn Reynolds, 1. Instapundit blogger, said:
Yes, Obama is weak. When he brought in Rahm Emanuel, I hoped that it was to have someone tough to resist the impulses of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. But when it comes to congressional pork, Obama has been enabler-in-chief. Though he blusters and bullies from time to time, when push comes to shove he is not acting, but acted upon. Turning over leadership to the worst Congress in my lifetime is likely to prove a disastrous mistake for His Presidency, even if — as seems unlikely — he somehow manages to sneak this healthcare bill through.

Joe Madison, host of The Black Eagle radio show, said:
President Obama is thoughtful, intelligent and insightful. These are traits of a strong president, not a weak one. He cannot be led around by the nose and the smell of public opinion. We forget that during Bush's two terms in office, most Americans questioned who was running government, the president or the vice president. Remember what former President Harry Truman said: "The buck stops here." President Obama is not the cowboy Bush was. Thank God. Don't confuse intelligence with weakness.
4. DEMOCRAT ANALYSIS ON HEALTHCARE: “Stupid constituents.”


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