Saturday, December 12, 2009

money and brains

I feel a disconnect regarding Warren Buffet ,“Looking into the Abyss,” December 12th. He catalogs deals he rejected as too risky during the crashing global financial markets. He states, “I felt that this is something I’ve never seen before and the American public and Congress don’t fully understand the gravity.” When the nation and its financial system were “looking into the abyss” throughout 2008, why did Mr. Buffet support and fund a totally ignorant candidate for President, Barrack Obama, whose job would be leading the nation out of the morass? If Mr. Buffet can divine the viability of a major corporation in a ten minute to 24 hour scan of its balance sheets, how could he support a candidate who had no record or paper trail other than slogans of ‘hope and change?’ Now as President Obama, indiscriminately spending trillions of dollars, provokes terror and uncertainty in the financial and business community, I suggest Mr. Buffet should confine himself to scanning balance sheets and not the opaque motives of politicians who epitomize self-centered self-serving.


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