Professor Victor Davis Hansen in his column ‘Work and Days’, on December 10, 2009, catalogs some of Barrack Obama’s gaffes, slights and insults that are exposing Obama’s inexperience, incompetence and callousness. Cumulatively these gaffes are undermining confidence in Obama and subjecting the United State to ridicule. Following VDH’s list are additional contributions from his readers. Please feel free to add you own comments and analysis.
Constant apologies abroad for everything from slavery to Hiroshima
Bows to Saudi royalty, the Japanese emperor, and Chinese autocrats
The on-again/off-again Guantanamo shut-down mess
The fight with the former CIA directors
The public show trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed
The reach out to Ahmadinejad Castro, Chavez, and assorted thugs
The Honduras fiasco
Czars everywhere
The serial “Bush did it”/reset whine abroad
The Queen of England/I-pod fiasco
Gordon Brown gets snookered in his gift-giving
Unceremoniously shipping back the Churchill bust
The end of the special relationship with the UK
The New York on-the-town presidential splurge
Anita Dunn and her Mao worship
Timothy Geithner/Tom Daschle/Hilda Solis and their taxes
What ever happened to Gov. Richardson?
“No lobbyists” = gads of them
The Podestas’ insider influence-peddling empire
Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” chauvinism
The Special Olympics silly quip
Trashing Nancy Reagan
The Skip Gates/police acting “stupidly” mess
The get-Chicago-the-Olympics jaunt to Copenhagen
Cap-and-trade boondoggle
“Millions of green jobs”
Ignore gas, oil, coal, and nuclear power production
The Joe Biden gaffe machine
Jobs “saved” or “created” rather than references to the actual unemployment rates
Van Jones, the racist, Communist and truther
Desiree Rogers won’t testify
The blowback from, and silence about, the Rangel/Dodd corruption
The White House party crashers plan to take the 5th Amendment
The ‘bipartisanship’ con
The pork-barrel stimulus spoils
The demonization of the Town-Hallers and Tea Baggers
The Acorn Mess
The Kevin Jennings/Safe School Czar embarrassment
The SEIU direct access to the White House
The Asian Tour comedown
The politicization of the take-over of GM and Chrysler
The Obama readjustment in the order of paying back car creditors
Car dealerships closed on shaky criteria
Obama as “Caesar”
The Emanuel “never let a serious crisis go to waste” boast
The Black Caucus/Rangel/Waters bid to bail out the inner-city radio stations
Yosi Sergant and the NEA
$1.7 trillion deficit
The planned $9 trillion added to the national debt
New income tax rates; health care surcharge talk; and payroll tax caps to be lifted
Rahm Emanuel’s promised payback to those states that trash the stimulus
The supposed C-span aired health care debate
The promised website posts of pending legislation
Czechs and Poles sold out on missile defense
The call for the ‘fairness’ doctrine to be reinstated
Sermons to and finger pointing at the Israelis
The failed ‘Putin helps to stop a nuclear Iran’ gambit
Voting present on the Iranian reformers in the street
Serial but empty deadlines to Ahmadinejad
The good war/bad war twisting and turning on Iraq/Afghanistan
The months-long dithering over Afghanistan
Renditions, tribunals, Patriot Act, etc. once trashed, now OK
Health-care take-over
The 2,000 page proposed new health code
The embarrassing Nobel Peace Prize nomination
The attacks on surgeons, Chamber of Commerce, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, etc.
The Islam mythologies in the Cairo Speech
The al Arabiya “Bush did it” interview
Obama’s TV “my Muslim faith” gaffe
57 states in U.S.
Another unforgivable incident: The Justice Department dropping prosecution of Black Panther thugs guilty of racist intimidation at a polling place
In the West Point speech, I counted about 30 uses of “I” or “me.”
Nobel Prize acceptance speech has 38 “I”s.
And Obama’s repeated references to the Bush Administration is getting so old. This reminds me of Orwell’s use of “Goldman” as the scapegoat in “1984.”
How about the Air Force One photo-op over Manhattan on 9/11/09 that scared the living you know what out of the people on the ground. Talk about being clueless
And don’t forget the Inspector General “Fired for senility” deception
Insulting the Queen of England was rich: a country that has been our ally
How about Rev.Wright Bill Ayers Tony Rezco?
Fought with the *current*, hand picked CIA director, Panetta, too.
Don’t forget the classic “$30,000, $40,000, or $50,000 to amputate a foot.” Fast and loose with the facts
Professor, you missed Hilda Solis and the gutting of all government mechanisms for fighting union corruption
Something to add to the bothersome incidents, if you like, is President Obama’s unshakably high opinion of himself and his abilities, exemplified by a quote from early March 2009:
“I like being President. And it turns out I’m pretty good at it.” That he could say such a thing after less than two months in office, bespeaks hubris unimaginable.
Oh, and then there was that surprise visit to the White House press corps, when journalists had the audacity to question him. This was not a big event, just as his “look, can’t I just eat my waffle?” moment was not all that important. But they each lowered my confidence in the man
Do you have any Poupon? At his photo op visit to the burger joint.
“…and a Tea Ba-ag on a Par-ty.”
(List looks like the 12 days of Obama
The Caterpillar fiasco, claimed CEO supported stimulus…he didn’t.
Fort Hood and refusal to call it terrorism; increased incidents of domestic arrests of networks of terror suspects.
To soldiers: “You guys make a great photo op”.
Whining about media coverage (Wee wee’d up)
Constant straw man arguments (as in, “Republicans want to do NOTHING on health care”).
Insisting sacrifices must be made, thermostats lowered while aides complain his own thermostat is set unbearably high to “tropical.”
The characterization of Fox Network as not news. Realizing the error in that interview.
Spokesmen Gibbs saying he recalls no incident of references to Hitler or Nazism toward previous administrations.
Wee weeing.
Separate 747 jets for Barack and Michele to Paris for her shopping trip
Everything being historic. Health care. Historic! Cap and trade. Historic! A bill passes. Historic! The president wee weed. Historic!
Insisting nobody in the middle class will be taxed, “repeating what he’s already said” repeatedly changing what he said earlier, and “allowing himself to be perfectly clear” while obfuscating, then taxing anything and everything taxable while simultaneously debasing the currency and running up debt that is nothing short of “historic.”
No need to add to this, but the worst thing was learning that he and his wife have never celebrated Santa Claus gifting. Never mind that Christmas is a religious and national holiday, it is an American tradition. No Santa for the kids is about the worst thing I can think of. OMG.
Declaring to a conference of Rabbis that, “we are partners with God on matters of life and death” in reference to the health care debate.
Letting a European diplomat know that he (Obama) believed th U.S. nuclear arsenal to be ‘his.’
Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Father Michael Pfleger
Using his Grandmother time and again as a social commentary punching bag
NOT going to Berlin
GOING to Copenhagen for the Olympic city selection (and coming away empty-handed)
Michelle (Antoinette) Obama
Ignoring/denying the loud & clear message voters tried to send him in the November elections. (File this with demeaning Tea Partyers).
Skipping the anniversary celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Skipping D-Day Anniversary.
Being photographed stepping ahead toward the camera and microphones while Crowley assisted Gates down the steps in the background. Imagery is everything, after all.
Speakin in ‘Posse’ slang if not reading off the TOTUS
Compare days in Whitehouse to days flying about and bloviating
What say You?
Professor Victor Davis Hansen in his column ‘Work and Days’, on December 10, 2009, catalogs some of Barrack Obama’s gaffes, slights and insults that are exposing Obama’s inexperience, incompetence and callousness. Cumulatively these gaffes are undermining confidence in Obama and subjecting the United State to ridicule. Following VDH’s list are additional contributions from his readers. Please feel free to add you own comments and analysis.
Constant apologies abroad for everything from slavery to Hiroshima
Bows to Saudi royalty, the Japanese emperor, and Chinese autocrats
The on-again/off-again Guantanamo shut-down mess
The fight with the former CIA directors
The public show trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed
The reach out to Ahmadinejad Castro, Chavez, and assorted thugs
The Honduras fiasco
Czars everywhere
The serial “Bush did it”/reset whine abroad
The Queen of England/I-pod fiasco
Gordon Brown gets snookered in his gift-giving
Unceremoniously shipping back the Churchill bust
The end of the special relationship with the UK
The New York on-the-town presidential splurge
Anita Dunn and her Mao worship
Timothy Geithner/Tom Daschle/Hilda Solis and their taxes
What ever happened to Gov. Richardson?
“No lobbyists” = gads of them
The Podestas’ insider influence-peddling empire
Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” chauvinism
The Special Olympics silly quip
Trashing Nancy Reagan
The Skip Gates/police acting “stupidly” mess
The get-Chicago-the-Olympics jaunt to Copenhagen
Cap-and-trade boondoggle
“Millions of green jobs”
Ignore gas, oil, coal, and nuclear power production
The Joe Biden gaffe machine
Jobs “saved” or “created” rather than references to the actual unemployment rates
Van Jones, the racist, Communist and truther
Desiree Rogers won’t testify
The blowback from, and silence about, the Rangel/Dodd corruption
The White House party crashers plan to take the 5th Amendment
The ‘bipartisanship’ con
The pork-barrel stimulus spoils
The demonization of the Town-Hallers and Tea Baggers
The Acorn Mess
The Kevin Jennings/Safe School Czar embarrassment
The SEIU direct access to the White House
The Asian Tour comedown
The politicization of the take-over of GM and Chrysler
The Obama readjustment in the order of paying back car creditors
Car dealerships closed on shaky criteria
Obama as “Caesar”
The Emanuel “never let a serious crisis go to waste” boast
The Black Caucus/Rangel/Waters bid to bail out the inner-city radio stations
Yosi Sergant and the NEA
$1.7 trillion deficit
The planned $9 trillion added to the national debt
New income tax rates; health care surcharge talk; and payroll tax caps to be lifted
Rahm Emanuel’s promised payback to those states that trash the stimulus
The supposed C-span aired health care debate
The promised website posts of pending legislation
Czechs and Poles sold out on missile defense
The call for the ‘fairness’ doctrine to be reinstated
Sermons to and finger pointing at the Israelis
The failed ‘Putin helps to stop a nuclear Iran’ gambit
Voting present on the Iranian reformers in the street
Serial but empty deadlines to Ahmadinejad
The good war/bad war twisting and turning on Iraq/Afghanistan
The months-long dithering over Afghanistan
Renditions, tribunals, Patriot Act, etc. once trashed, now OK
Health-care take-over
The 2,000 page proposed new health code
The embarrassing Nobel Peace Prize nomination
The attacks on surgeons, Chamber of Commerce, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, etc.
The Islam mythologies in the Cairo Speech
The al Arabiya “Bush did it” interview
Obama’s TV “my Muslim faith” gaffe
57 states in U.S.
Another unforgivable incident: The Justice Department dropping prosecution of Black Panther thugs guilty of racist intimidation at a polling place
In the West Point speech, I counted about 30 uses of “I” or “me.”
Nobel Prize acceptance speech has 38 “I”s.
And Obama’s repeated references to the Bush Administration is getting so old. This reminds me of Orwell’s use of “Goldman” as the scapegoat in “1984.”
How about the Air Force One photo-op over Manhattan on 9/11/09 that scared the living you know what out of the people on the ground. Talk about being clueless
And don’t forget the Inspector General “Fired for senility” deception
Insulting the Queen of England was rich: a country that has been our ally
How about Rev.Wright Bill Ayers Tony Rezco?
Fought with the *current*, hand picked CIA director, Panetta, too.
Don’t forget the classic “$30,000, $40,000, or $50,000 to amputate a foot.” Fast and loose with the facts
Professor, you missed Hilda Solis and the gutting of all government mechanisms for fighting union corruption
Something to add to the bothersome incidents, if you like, is President Obama’s unshakably high opinion of himself and his abilities, exemplified by a quote from early March 2009:
“I like being President. And it turns out I’m pretty good at it.” That he could say such a thing after less than two months in office, bespeaks hubris unimaginable.
Oh, and then there was that surprise visit to the White House press corps, when journalists had the audacity to question him. This was not a big event, just as his “look, can’t I just eat my waffle?” moment was not all that important. But they each lowered my confidence in the man
Do you have any Poupon? At his photo op visit to the burger joint.
“…and a Tea Ba-ag on a Par-ty.”
(List looks like the 12 days of Obama
The Caterpillar fiasco, claimed CEO supported stimulus…he didn’t.
Fort Hood and refusal to call it terrorism; increased incidents of domestic arrests of networks of terror suspects.
To soldiers: “You guys make a great photo op”.
Whining about media coverage (Wee wee’d up)
Constant straw man arguments (as in, “Republicans want to do NOTHING on health care”).
Insisting sacrifices must be made, thermostats lowered while aides complain his own thermostat is set unbearably high to “tropical.”
The characterization of Fox Network as not news. Realizing the error in that interview.
Spokesmen Gibbs saying he recalls no incident of references to Hitler or Nazism toward previous administrations.
Wee weeing.
Separate 747 jets for Barack and Michele to Paris for her shopping trip
Everything being historic. Health care. Historic! Cap and trade. Historic! A bill passes. Historic! The president wee weed. Historic!
Insisting nobody in the middle class will be taxed, “repeating what he’s already said” repeatedly changing what he said earlier, and “allowing himself to be perfectly clear” while obfuscating, then taxing anything and everything taxable while simultaneously debasing the currency and running up debt that is nothing short of “historic.”
No need to add to this, but the worst thing was learning that he and his wife have never celebrated Santa Claus gifting. Never mind that Christmas is a religious and national holiday, it is an American tradition. No Santa for the kids is about the worst thing I can think of. OMG.
Declaring to a conference of Rabbis that, “we are partners with God on matters of life and death” in reference to the health care debate.
Letting a European diplomat know that he (Obama) believed th U.S. nuclear arsenal to be ‘his.’
Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Father Michael Pfleger
Using his Grandmother time and again as a social commentary punching bag
NOT going to Berlin
GOING to Copenhagen for the Olympic city selection (and coming away empty-handed)
Michelle (Antoinette) Obama
Ignoring/denying the loud & clear message voters tried to send him in the November elections. (File this with demeaning Tea Partyers).
Skipping the anniversary celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Skipping D-Day Anniversary.
Being photographed stepping ahead toward the camera and microphones while Crowley assisted Gates down the steps in the background. Imagery is everything, after all.
Speakin in ‘Posse’ slang if not reading off the TOTUS
Compare days in Whitehouse to days flying about and bloviating
What say You?
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