Monday, November 27, 2006

A "windfall-profits tax" will be enacted on toy producers as part of "our first 100 hours agenda" according to Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the House of Representative designate in the next Congress. After running a whole mid-term election campaign based upon surrender in the ‘war on terror,’re-instituting the military draft, immigration and raising taxes, the first hours of the new Democrat Congress will be devoted to declaring a ‘war on toy makers?’ Is there a serious disconnect from reality here? After the last election some pundits speculated that the Democrats and Republicans Parties would engage in ‘a race to stupidity ’or at best a ‘dumb-off.’ The ‘race to stupidity’is on! Stupidity is an equal opportunity affliction. Hysterical Democrat dim bulbs, led by their posturing pinheads of leaders, rallied in front of toy stores decrying toy prices. Not to be outdone, 86 of the witless wonders of the Republican Party, including Sen, John McCain, joined in the feeding frenzy by issuing their own toy manifesto. Is this what we sent people to Congress to do?

What is the cause of this urgency that trumps the abandonment of Iraq and raising taxes on vile capitalists? ‘Tickle Me Elmo’ and ‘Play Station 3’ are the sources our national crisis! They are so central to our national well-being that Democrat Sen. Hillary Clinton wants to "form a commission to investigate the feasibility of a government takeover of the toy industry make toys affordable to every family in America regardless of income." The Republican statement says toy producers "seem downright un-American to us." Questioning patriotism was a touchy subject in the campaign of 2006 no matter how loony the statements of some candidates. Yet both Democrats and Republicans can now agree that toy producers are "un-patriotic."

This is dangerous work. Nancy Pelosi was agitating a crowd at a toy store by waving an Elmo when "unruly parents tried to snatch the doll away from her." She may put in for Combat Pay? Some wondered how Ms. Pelosi got the doll; did she, like John Edwards, trying to get an advance PS3 from Wal-Mart, pull some strings to get special treatment? Were the Proletarian Parents justified in trying to seize Elmo in the name of equal access to toys?

"Parents are demanding Congressional action" cries incoming House Commerce Committee Chairman, Democrat John Dingell. Obviously citizen parents are at fault for pleading for urgent toy relief from their Congresspersons even if it means the shelving of national security, immigration problems, international relations and global warming. The heavy hand of government is ready to descend on toy producers. Republican Mel Martinez has promised a "through investigation and stiff criminal penalties" for toy producers. But will parents be satisfied when they see toy executives sentenced to crushing rock in a federal prison?

Is the lesson never learned, once government gets involved all parties suffer? Imagine - if Hillary Clinton’s socialist plan to nationalize the toy industry took effect - what Tickle Me Elmo would look like after endless departments had their input in the design and committees had modified the plan and OSHA, the EPA, the Justice Department, and the new F.E.E.D. (Federal Elmo Equitable Distribution) Department finished their years of work. Of course,
U.N. approval would still be needed. Inevitably, there would be the protests by greying radicals of the 60's chanting and waving placards demanding "FREE ELMOS." I have a vision of what the PlayStation3 would look like under government design - a non-toxic neutral colored crayon with training wheels.

See what you have done by voting for these pompous egos in the last election! I am reminded of the woman who said she never votes because ’it only encourages them.’ Milton Friedman, the champion of Free Market Capitalism, once said " we will arrive at socialism through wage and price controls." He suggested a Constitutional Amendment to preserve freedom and lower prices that reads "Congress shall make no laws abridging the freedom of sellers of goods and services to price their products and services." Outraged at the interference by Congress in the free markets, he vowed to hold his breath until Congress came to their senses. After turning blue he died last week. The moral of the story is never give knaves, fools and poltroons power, they will outlast reasonable men.

One of the wonders of our political system is that often windbags win elections. Meditate upon Hillary"s Department of Toy Production and Pelosi’s "windfall profits tax".


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