Thursday, October 12, 2006


The $870,000 cover up, no news, no jail time and no shame.
Air America, the failing Liberal radio station, illegally received $875,000 from the non-profit Gloria Wise Boys And Girls Club, money that was intend for child programs and assisting working mothers. Air America is most infamous for it’s broadcasting diatribes against President Bush by Al Franken and stunts like its mock execution of President Bush. The radio station Air America, brought into being by deep pocket Liberals to oppose President Bush, is failing miserably due to a lack of listeners and commercial advertisers.
When welfare reform was being debated in the senate, a Liberal Democrat Senator bemoaned the fact that woman and children would be forced to sleep on subway grates in New York because their only lifelines were being stripped away. The weeping and gnashing of teeth could be heard all over the nation in the lamentation of Liberal Democrats as trumpeted by the major media. Oddly enough, today when the social safety blanket is actually yanked off of children and widows by Air America not a peep is heard from those same Liberals or media outlets.
How could it be that Liberals, who claim their primary concern are women and children, are now so calloused and cold hearted when their primary constituency is abused? Well you see even Liberals know that everyone must sacrifice, even women and children, in the name of a greater cause. In this case, maintaining a Liberal radio station on the airwaves is worth a bit of sacrifice on the part of women and children and shame on anyone who would condemn sacrifice for such a noble cause.
Surely any objective person, using a Liberal worldview, would consider the Liberal action right, meet, proper and just if you just consider the facts. Being deeply imbued with socialist ideas, the Liberal powers felt that the fact that no one wanted to listen to their drivel was insufficient reason to fold their tent and disappear. The socialist concept provides a solution - make someone else pay for a bad and failed idea. Now follow this logic. 1. Air America was to further the Liberal Agenda. 2.The primary goal of the Liberals is to protect women and children. 3.Therefore, it follows that women and children ought to sacrifice to keep Air America on the airwaves so that Air America can push the Liberal Agenda which in the long run will help women and children. 4.And besides the women and children don’t even have to know they are making the sacrifice.
Although the scandal came to light about a year ago there has been an almost total blackout in the major news media, Air America being a Liberal ally. The publicity hound, Eliot Spitzer, Democrat New York Attorney General, soon to anointed as Governor, has shown little interest in criminal prosecution of this scandal. The scandal was silently brought to a close in the first week of October when it was ruled that one of the main perpetrators would have to return $38,000 of the $68,000 he stole for personal use and the other main character would have to return $32,000 of the $87,000 he stole. He pulled no jail time and just a ban against working at a non-profit for two years. Air America and its role just passed under the radar screen even though Al Franken, the multimillionaire, chief buffoon of the station, admitted last year some knowledge that the $875,000 came from unusual sources. Some have wondered how the mass media and Democrat Eliot Spitzer would have treated the case if the money was diverted to a Conservative radio station. This, of course, is pure speculation since all Conservative programs make money for hosts and sponsors and don’t follow the Liberal way of losing money for all. But the Democrat leaders in Congress have vowed to "level the playing field" if they take over Congrss in November. In best Nanny State fashion, they will re-institute the "Fairness Doctrine" in broadcasting which mean stations will be compelled to broadcast an hour of Liberal broadcasting for every hour of Conservative broadcast even if there is no sponsor or listener for the Liberal hour.
Last detail, don’t feel too bad for the little kids; it wasn’t their lunch money. It was your money that went to Air America. You see the Federal Government, read taxpayers, gave the money to Gloria Wise B&G Club for the kids. Hug a Liberal today.


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