What do Chicken Little, of nursery rhyme fame, Michael Moore, the film maker, and Al Gore, failed presidential candidate, have in common? All three of these clucks are in the grip of environmentalist paranoia. Paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by baseless delusions ascribing hostile intentions to other persons and is often linked with a sense of mission.
Poor addled Chicken Little ran about crying "the sky is falling"; he was wrong of course but then he is fictional and is meant to convey a moral to children to not jump to conclusions. Mendacious, meaning big fat liar, Michael Moore not only is gripped by paranoia but has devoted himself to spreading delusions to others. On film he blends lies, deceits and fabrications into hysterical rants that lead weak minded audiences into paroxysms of anguish and angst. He is wrong, of course, but he is making a bundle of money off his nuttiness.
Then we come to poor, poor Al Gore. He has the unhappy combination of being as addled as Chicken Little and as proselytizing as Michael Moore without the saving virtue of either Chicken Little who "ain’t real" and Michael Moore who is making a bundle of money.
Earnest, delusional Al Gore has a movie out called "An Inconvenient Truth" in which he unrelentingly and dismally presents a case for "global warming" that is inevitable and catastrophic unless man, that us folks, takes drastic, expensive and immediate remedial action. How many times do we hear we have only ten years left to save the planet? He takes a fact, global climate change, piles assertion upon baseless assertion onto that fact and then weaves a web of mystification that culminates in hysteria. Christians believe that God made man in His own image, that is ‘good’. Liberal environmentalists believe that man is the spawn of Satan sent to defile a pristine earth that was in perfect balance before man walked upright. Al Gore’s pseudo documentary blames modern man, who in the brief period from the Industrial Revolution to 2006 man is accused of so fatally damaging the earth’s environment that our climate will spiral out of control unless draconian measure are taken to control man’s activities within 10 years.
Global climate change has always been occurring and always will. Only 10,000 years ago the last glacier reached U.S. Route 22 as it passes through Fayette County; half the county was under ice. It must have been a heck of a global warming to melt the glacier and give us our balmy summers now. How and why did the glacier melt if there were no evil industrialists around to pollute the atmosphere? In the year 1,000A.D. Greenland, note the name, was covered in vegetation and today students ask "why is that block of ice called Greenland?" Who is to blame for Greenland turning from lush to frozen without the internal combustion engine or coal fired factories? In 1813 the volcano on the island of Tambora erupted casting ash into the atmosphere and creating the Year Without A Summer from pole to pole. In a few minutes this wicked volcano created more pollution than man has in all his history. Another evil volcano, Krakatoa, had the temerity to again blow more pollution into the air than man ever has. Think back to few years to when Mt. St. Helen in Washington State blew its top and affected Ohio’s weather. And right now, Merapi volcano is erupting in Indonesia killing thousands and sending ash into the atmosphere. Man effect is a speck of sand compared to nature own pollution. If Al Gore, and the other clucks, wanted to do something just for the hubris of doing something, they could get the U.N. to pass a resolution against volcanos erupting. Such a resolution would be just about as effective as the U.N. resolutions on Iran’s nuclear program.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is to Environmental Science as the "Da Vinci Code" is to Christianity as a ripping good story that grabs a few facts, adds some fantasy and flies into Never Never Land. If only Al Gore had checked, in 500 B.C. the philosopher Heraclitus stated, "All is Flux," everything changes, even the climate, and he did not even have to say something as silly as only 10 more years until Doomsday. Remember, hysterical irrational Al still wants to be your president.
For an update of the "Chicken Little Fable" connect to Uncommon Sense,, for June 13, 2006.diey
What do Chicken Little, of nursery rhyme fame, Michael Moore, the film maker, and Al Gore, failed presidential candidate, have in common? All three of these clucks are in the grip of environmentalist paranoia. Paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by baseless delusions ascribing hostile intentions to other persons and is often linked with a sense of mission.
Poor addled Chicken Little ran about crying "the sky is falling"; he was wrong of course but then he is fictional and is meant to convey a moral to children to not jump to conclusions. Mendacious, meaning big fat liar, Michael Moore not only is gripped by paranoia but has devoted himself to spreading delusions to others. On film he blends lies, deceits and fabrications into hysterical rants that lead weak minded audiences into paroxysms of anguish and angst. He is wrong, of course, but he is making a bundle of money off his nuttiness.
Then we come to poor, poor Al Gore. He has the unhappy combination of being as addled as Chicken Little and as proselytizing as Michael Moore without the saving virtue of either Chicken Little who "ain’t real" and Michael Moore who is making a bundle of money.
Earnest, delusional Al Gore has a movie out called "An Inconvenient Truth" in which he unrelentingly and dismally presents a case for "global warming" that is inevitable and catastrophic unless man, that us folks, takes drastic, expensive and immediate remedial action. How many times do we hear we have only ten years left to save the planet? He takes a fact, global climate change, piles assertion upon baseless assertion onto that fact and then weaves a web of mystification that culminates in hysteria. Christians believe that God made man in His own image, that is ‘good’. Liberal environmentalists believe that man is the spawn of Satan sent to defile a pristine earth that was in perfect balance before man walked upright. Al Gore’s pseudo documentary blames modern man, who in the brief period from the Industrial Revolution to 2006 man is accused of so fatally damaging the earth’s environment that our climate will spiral out of control unless draconian measure are taken to control man’s activities within 10 years.
Global climate change has always been occurring and always will. Only 10,000 years ago the last glacier reached U.S. Route 22 as it passes through Fayette County; half the county was under ice. It must have been a heck of a global warming to melt the glacier and give us our balmy summers now. How and why did the glacier melt if there were no evil industrialists around to pollute the atmosphere? In the year 1,000A.D. Greenland, note the name, was covered in vegetation and today students ask "why is that block of ice called Greenland?" Who is to blame for Greenland turning from lush to frozen without the internal combustion engine or coal fired factories? In 1813 the volcano on the island of Tambora erupted casting ash into the atmosphere and creating the Year Without A Summer from pole to pole. In a few minutes this wicked volcano created more pollution than man has in all his history. Another evil volcano, Krakatoa, had the temerity to again blow more pollution into the air than man ever has. Think back to few years to when Mt. St. Helen in Washington State blew its top and affected Ohio’s weather. And right now, Merapi volcano is erupting in Indonesia killing thousands and sending ash into the atmosphere. Man effect is a speck of sand compared to nature own pollution. If Al Gore, and the other clucks, wanted to do something just for the hubris of doing something, they could get the U.N. to pass a resolution against volcanos erupting. Such a resolution would be just about as effective as the U.N. resolutions on Iran’s nuclear program.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is to Environmental Science as the "Da Vinci Code" is to Christianity as a ripping good story that grabs a few facts, adds some fantasy and flies into Never Never Land. If only Al Gore had checked, in 500 B.C. the philosopher Heraclitus stated, "All is Flux," everything changes, even the climate, and he did not even have to say something as silly as only 10 more years until Doomsday. Remember, hysterical irrational Al still wants to be your president.
For an update of the "Chicken Little Fable" connect to Uncommon Sense,, for June 13, 2006.diey
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