Thursday, May 16, 2013


THE “SOFT SPOT” OF LIFE Analysis of the human condition is no better appraised than by our greatest living philosopher, Earl Pitts, who speaks truth to power each morning on my local radio station. When our illustrious politicians in Washington claim the economy has hit a “soft spot,” beware. Nothing from propaganda land, of course, can be further from truth. Earl Pitts, American, paints the correct picture for us folks out here safe from the beltway of wisdom. Normal Americans struggle daily, living so to speak, in a “soft spot” for their entire lives. The struggle to maintain the status quo is a soft spot - not on ground totally hardened and impossible to till, not totally squishy enough to sink us into the slough of despond. Earl’s right; Washington’s wrong. Earl speaks for ‘real’ Americans; Washington elites lie.


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