Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Columbus to add surveillance cameras

Columbus to add surveillance cameras - AS WILL EVERY OTHER CITY NOW- ABSURD A society whose government succeeds at preventing its citizens from engaging in peaceful activities is, to that extent, a failed society: that society has failed to protect its liberties from the uncivilized and dangerous intrusions uncorked by mob manias. The always-wise Steve Chapman warns against a too-ready embrace of surveillance cameras. I love his concluding paragraph: Enthusiasts for electronic surveillance may say: If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. But there’s a reason people don’t live in glass houses. QUOTE FROM THA PAST WHEN BENGAZI WAS JUST ‘ MOB INSPRED BY VIEO’ ACCORDING OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: “We owe it to the American people to make sure that we understand: Exactly what happened, What went wrong, Why couldn’t the greatest military in the world respond when an attack occurred almost over a seven hour period, and why were there at the minimum, misstatements made and certainly misimpressions given to the American people about the nature of this attack in the immediate explanations provided by the administration in two weeks following the attack.” Sen Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) 11-14-12 Disgraceful. And filmmaker Nakoula, whose YouTube video served as the basis for a lame cover story that no one believes any more, is still in jail. UPDATE: Reader Richard Whitten writes: “How long before Obama Administration throws Hillary under the bus? They seem to have a penchant for doing that.” Right now, protecting her for 2016 is a priority, but if she looks like damaged goods they’ll sacrifice her pretty fast. BLAME HILLARY BEGINS: PAUL MIRENGOFF: Hillary Clinton — culpable for Benghazi from beginning to end. “When it first became clear that the CIA’s Benghazi talking points had been altered, many of us viewed the White House as the prime suspect. After all, it served President Obama’s political purposes to claim, at the height of a political campaign in which he was taking credit for the fall of al Qaeda, that the death of a U.S. ambassador was down to spontaneous outrage over a video, rather than pre-planned terrorism. It turns out, however, that the State Department was the prime culprit. It was State that pushed back hard against the original talking points. The White House, probably for the political reason cited above, took its side.” ROGER SIMON: Benghazi Continued: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion. “From what we know so far, the U. S. Department of State participated in the cover-up of an Islamist terror attack on the brink of a U. S. presidential election, implying the murders of our fellow citizens were inspired by an execrable video that nobody saw. I can’t think of anything more despicable and more disrespectful to all of us — and most especially to the families of the deceased.” And filmmaker Nakoula is still in jail.


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