OBAMA Final words to Planned Parenthood “God Bless You”
OBAMA Final words to Planned Parenthood “God Bless You”
Imagine, only 6 months ago he was Pro-Life. Politics or Perfidity?
Williams-Sonoma, the specialty retailer of home furnishings and gourmet cookware with over 250 stores in the United States, has pulled pressure cookers from their shelves following the Boston Marathon bombing.
"It's a temporary thing out of respect," said Kent, who is the Store Manager of the Williams-Sonoma at the Natick Mall
"Barney Frank compares al-Qaeda to Tea Party"--headline, Washington Examiner website, April 25
FIVE SAD PICTURES FROM YESTERDAY’S ANTI-NRA MARCH: “A generous estimation of the crowd size would have been about 100 people, including members of the media.” Folks were tweeting that there were more members of the media than there were marchers.
IT’S NOT A TAX INCREASE. IT’S JUST A TAX . . . FACILITATION! Senate advances online sales tax measure.
KEVIN WILLIAMSON: “The current debate over the Internet sales tax — the woefully misnamed Marketplace Fairness Act — is not about companies like Apple, but about the next Apple. A giant such as Apple has the resources to calculate, collect, and remit taxes on behalf of each of the country’s 9,600 or so sales-tax authorities, and in fact it does so. But the compliance costs imposes by the Marketplace Fairness Act would place smaller upstarts at a distinct disadvantage, which is, I suspect, one reason that market incumbents such as Amazon support the tax. The real cost of taxes is not the revenue out the door to the taxman; it’s the revenue out to the door to the taxman plus all of the costs involved in complying with the tax code.”
K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Another Anti-Voucher Democrat, With Kids in the Best Private School. “So Terry McAuliffe, who has had four kids going to a roughly $30,000 per student tuition private school (perhaps there’s a sibling discount), opposes the use of vouchers to send poorer kids to private schools.”
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