Wednesday, March 27, 2013


OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. Except that in this case, “Other People” means your money and mine, Daniel Greenfield writes at his Sultan Knish blog: Do you know of any company in America where for a mere few billion, you could become the CEO of a company whose shareholders would be forced to sit back and watch for four years while you run up trillion dollar deficits and parcel out billions to your friends? Without going to jail or being marched out in handcuffs. A company that will allow you to indulge yourself, travel anywhere at company expense, live the good life, and only work when you feel like it. That will legally indemnify you against all shareholder lawsuits, while allowing you to dispose not only of their investments, but of their personal property in any way you see fit. There is only one such company. It’s called the United States Government.


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