FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY I Note: Housing cost for 1 person $192,500!!
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY I Note: Housing cost for 1 person $192,500!!
THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: USDA spends $2 million on internship program for one full-time intern.
Who was the intern, and what were his/her connections?
Among the most striking findings in the IG’s report was the fact that OCIO had spent $2 million on an internship program that ended up hiring just one full-time intern.
“OCIO funded an intern program for a total of $2 million which, while funded as a security enhancement project, only resulted in one intern being hired full-time for ASOC [Agriculture Security Operations Center],” the report reads.
“This project is intended to develop and sustain a highly skilled IT security and computer technology workforce,” the report added. “Expenditures for FY 2010 and 2011 included over $686,000 for development and implementation of a networking website and approximately $192,500 in housing costs for two summers. While the intern program may be a beneficial step in the long-run, it did little to further the more pressing objective of improving USDA’s IT security.”
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