Friday, August 03, 2012


LETTER TO WALL STREET JOURNAL “Chick-fil-A Leaps Into a Controversy” by John Bussey on August 3 stunningly misses the whole point of the squabble. It revolves around two issues - freedom of speech and government bullying. Regarding free speech, Mr.Cathy commented to a religious publication and was not picking a fight. The politicized gay community sought out his ‘thought crimes.’ Mr. Cathy holds a view absolutely within the mainstream of Judeo-Christian tradition for thousands of years. The politicized gay lobby is just the latest fashionable heresy within that tradition and as usual is seized upon by the elites. Moses and Christ will be here long after gay fads lie in the dust bin of history. Mr. Bussey refers to Mr. Cathy as ‘arrogant’ as if his view is an offense to the American people. Does he know that less than 2% of the population call themselves ‘gay’? Government bullying is the second issue. How dare government elites, fawning on the politicized gay lobby, deprive a citizen of his constitutional right to property and free speech? Or demand a banning of his business? The only God or morality to these politicians is raw power. The customers who lined up to patronize Chick-fil-A were standing up for each American’s right not to be bullied by government. Weirdly, Bussey notes that southerners are quite backward compared to northerners. Reaching way back to the 60's for his examples of southern inferiority, he fails to remember that today’s bastions of coastal liberalism were actually religious then and now look at them. It saddens me that a traditional American be again mocked and threatened by elites.


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