Sunday, July 01, 2012

Ultimate Reality

Take your pick of the following two expressions of ultimate reality. A black man said: β€œI like to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” MacKinlay Kantor, a writer speaks of a special moment as β€œan instant in which one experiences an upsurgence of appreciation of Nature, of Humanity, of intricate Life at Large - a feeling of belonging, of thankfulness over the mere possession of appetites and ambitions and powers - a gratitude toward all Creation. ... And a willingness to let others argue about who the Author might be, or why He Authorized these phenomena. β€œ Your choice, of course, is between the simple and rhetorical, between the transcendent and the earthly glory, between God or man, between a skeptical man and a man of Faith. Nature, you may note, never changes from wondrous in either of these contrasting views.


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