Electric Car Scam
#GREENFAIL: Syracuse’s little-used electric car chargers being replaced after just months.
A Syracuse nonprofit got a $700,000 government grant last year to buy and install 68 electric car charging units around Central New York.
But this week, Synapse Sustainability Trust ripped the last of the chargers out of a downtown Syracuse parking lot.
But reader Kenneth Strumpf writes that this is the key bit:
The goof-up will have little impact on the public. After all, there are only 30 electric or electric hybrid cars in five counties surrounding Syracuse. There are more charging units than there are cars that can use them.
He comments: “I regularly park in a lot containing about a dozen of these charging stations and have never seen a car attached to one.”
Interestingly, the company that got the grant, Synapse Partners, is run by the county Democratic chairwoman. “Fed by government grants, their company and its nonprofit arm also have strong connections to the Democratic Party.”
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