Wednesday, July 04, 2012

taX The Unknown

Let’s not even get into the anti-liberty goals of ObamaCare; they are too legion to mention. Rather, let’s be blunt. The government will now run all healthcare - yours, your doctor’s, the hospital’s, the pharmacy’s, medical devices and billing. If you think of efficiency, frugality, innovation, common sense or humaneness when you think ‘government,’ think again. Imagine employees at the Post Office, DMV or TSA. Imagine Eric Holder running the show. Imagine taking a number at the emergency room. Imagine a rendezvous with a tumor or heart attack. Imagine the IRS coming to your rescue. Nightmares, right? The Tea Party Movement is saddened by the terrible irresponsibility of ObamaCare and the ObamaTaxes that will bankrupt the nation. Such Taxation is tyranny. The Tea Party principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets are abandoned by ObamaCare’s reckless distortion of our nation’s laws and traditions and it’s gross misreading of the nature of man(a creature with free choice). ObamaTaxes will be the biggest tax increase in the history of the world. Yet, right here in Fayette County, we have people lauding all the new ‘free’ benefits they are to receive. Benefits are given ‘right now’ but most of the ObamaTaxes don’t kick in until 2014. The genius of this politics is to wed people to immediate benefits that they will clutch like Europeans. Later tax costs will hit; then people won’t think of surrendering their entitlements. Do those in Fayette County who say they are getting all the ‘free’ benefits think about where the money comes from for ‘free’? I know our schools struggle with teaching math but this is only 3rd grade stuff. It is estimated that the ‘Affordable Care Act’ will raise, yes raise, medical costs by 40%. Truly the Congresscritters must have snickered when they picked the term ‘Affordable.’ The goal of the ObamaTaxes is to hide them by shifting them to other parties like insurance companies, state governments, investors and pension funds. Of course, each of these entities then passes the costs along to ordinary citizens as price increases which are - surprise - not affordable. Yet he Obama administration will benefit when the public curses these entities as ‘gougers.’ 75% of OmamaTaxes will fall on the backs of those making less than $120K a year. As one analyst said: “It’s a punch in the stomach to middle class families.” Besides the ‘taxes’ and ‘penalties’ given full steam ahead by the Supreme Court, there will be hundreds of other hidden ObamaTaxes. The Medical Device Tax will tax every medical device, like Bandaids, hearing aids and pacemakers at 2.3%, but it will be collected from the manufacturer who will be blamed by the consumer for the increased cost. Then there is the ObamaTax of an additional 3.4% tax on investments and an extra .9% tax for medicare to be imposed on many individuals. Analysts have no clue how these taxes will be imposed since the IRS has not issued any regulations yet. Look out for unintended consequences. George Orwell’s Newspeak has become the language of the Obama administration. ‘Affordable Care Act’, ‘revenue enhancements’ and ‘investments’ have become fuzzy code words for taxes. As Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.” ObamaCare provides for over 16,000 additional IRS agents to collect the hundreds of hidden taxes. 50% of Americans don’t pay any income tax now and many do not even have to file the dreaded 1040. But under ObamaCare, every American will have to prove he paid the ObamaCare Tax or the penalty and any additional hidden ObamaTaxes. How complex is the next version of the 1040 going to be? I suggest stock in H&R Block; their business will boom. ObamaCare was 2,700 pages long and as the then Speaker of the House, the ditzy Nancy Pelosi, said, “We have to pass it to see what is in it.” Her latest comment is identical to the witless comment of Jay Carney, Obama’s official spokesperson: “Call it what you want.” The 2700 pages of ObamaCare mention numerous times a “Secretary shall make regulation to .....” Who might this Secretary be? Answer, ding bat Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services. I bet this ‘Secretary’ will send 10,000 regulations to the IRS which in turn will develop 5,000 more pages of micro managing rules for implementation. Simple, huh? The scary part is that nobody knows what is in ObamaCare. Congress does not know, Obama does not have a clue, and the Supreme Court totally transformed the rational for it. By the time this is all finished, nobody will know what nuances separate a fine from a tax from a penalty. Could the IRS confiscate even our private property for not amending our behavior to follow the dictates of the ruling class? The Supreme Court switcheroo on the legitimacy of ObamaCare, now means that the ruling class can place a tax on things you don’t do in order to force you to buy or do what they want. Serfdom anyone. Taxation on inaction is now the law of the land. If Obama knew he had this power during the auto industry bailouts, he could have easily placed a $10,000 tax on Toyota buyers because they did not purchase a Chrysler or GM vehicle or a $5,000 tax on Ford since it refused the Obama bailout. Obama’s war on the Catholic Church just got a big boost too in this decision. Think of all the ways to tax religious groups for what they don’t do. Other congregations better wonder if they are next. Every non-purchase of a ‘politically correct ‘ item could be taxable. The Tea Party calls upon Republicans to stand up to tyranny and for Democrats to decide if they are real democrats or liberals. Mr. President, tear down this TAX!


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