Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Day Obama Lost Iraq

The few remaining rational lefties are appalled by Omama’s squandering of victory in Iraq for cheap politics:
Peter Wehner: “What is happening in Iraq is sickening, in part because the gains came at such a high cost and in part because what is happening there was so avoidable. Obama was handed a war that was largely won.”

Jennifer Rubin: “America’s reputation has been damaged for the president’s personal political game, or perhaps because he is a foolish man or a spiteful one, who could never accept that President George W. Bush was right and he was wrong about the surge.”

In the Washington Post: “President Obama has undone much of what had been achieved there, almost in the blink of an eye. And when the history of his administration is written, it increasingly looks as if he will be fairly judged to have been the man who lost Iraq.”

Paulinni: Bush (eventually) won the war in Iraq, but Obama is losing the peace.


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