Friday, May 07, 2010


New book out about does evil exist. Author attempts to see difference between true EVIL and mere sinfulness. Author concludes if there is no God, of the Judeo-Christian concept, there can be no evil. If all is matter, materialism, or nature, pantheism, then there is no such thing as evil. All is meaningless, materialism, or just natural, pantheism, then adding a higher concept, like evil, is total nonsense. Only if the Judeo-Christian God exists does evil exist. Analyzing the meaning of that has occupied man for 5,000 years and is far beyond a few comments here.

God either knows everything, or He knows nothing at all,"

A lot of people think religion is something you piece together [from] ideas you think are sweet and that you personally find beneficial," says Mr. Dever. "No. It's like a doctor's report.... It's an objective reality. It's just what is."

“Right. Your feelings are your truth.” say some. Consider, feeling don’t make reality. Reality exists.

“Its’ not denial. I’m just very selective about the reality I accept.” Spoken like an idiot.

I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and it is the fires of Hell. Anon


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