Wednesday, February 03, 2010


1. Officials at the Justice Department now arguably want to institutionalize bad lawyering. Justice is advertising for prospective trial attorneys in its Civil Rights Division. The ad specifically says that the department encourages applicants who suffer from “mental retardation” and “mental illness.” It is one thing to accommodate those with illnesses that do not otherwise render them unfit to serve in a highly demanding and elite corps of DOJ attorneys; but to seek out those who are “mentally retarded” for special consideration is certainly novel.

2. Reporting from Denver - The Air Force Academy, stung several years ago by accusations of Christian bias, has built a new outdoor worship area for pagans and other practitioners of Earth-based religions. But its opening, heralded as a sign of a more tolerant religious climate at the academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., was marred by the discovery two weeks ago of a large wooden cross placed there.
On the weekend of Jan. 17, Weinstein said a client of his organization who is based at the academy spotted a cross, constructed of railroad ties, propped against a rock at the center. The client reported it, and the Office of Special Investigations began an inquiry.

3. From Hayek’s The Fatal Conceit:“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
Politicians’ and interest-groups’ conversations about taxes and spending are childish for the very same reason: the money they spend belongs to other people.
From Donald J. Boudreaux”
Politicians’ and interest-groups’ conversations about taxes and spending are childish for the very same reason: the money they spend belongs to other people.
Donald J. Boudreaux
4. “Few politicians, in my lifetime, have raised such hopes. When I covered his presidential campaign, I met legions of supporters who told me that Barack Obama would remake America and solve a surprising number of their personal problems. “ NOTE ‘SOLVE A SUPRISING NUMBER OF THEIR PERSON PROBLEMS”, WOW!

5. “....his most ardent fans—the kind of people who bought pictures of him riding a unicorn—Mr Obama's presidency has been a failure. “

6. “.....claiming the Democratic nomination in June 2008 Barack Obama declared that "generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless … when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal … when we ended a war, and secured our nation, and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth." It truly would take a Messiah to fulfil such soaring promises.” I SEE US SINKING, WHAT HAPPENED TO OCEANS RECEDING?

7. And as a rhetorician, Obama is skilled in weaving alternate realities. For you reader, his recent exegesis of his broken promises to put the health care debate on C-SPAN (it was sort of aired, didn’t you know that, dummies) was preposterous. But admit as well that such a bold alibi came right out of the mouth of Saruman in his Orthanc — mellifluous, assured, seamlessly shameless. It would make even Tartuffe proud. Obama’s art is more than just teleprompted eloquence.

8. “Rarely has the Left so ambitiously and brazenly set out a statist agenda, to radically transform America by establishing such gargantuan deficits that a variety of tax increases to prevent bankruptcy will mean that the nation’s entrepreneurial class will pay between 60 and 65% of their incomes in taxes —“spreading the wealth” in pursuit of “redistributive change.”

9. Rarely has the Left so ambitiously and brazenly set out a statist agenda, to radically transform America by establishing such gargantuan deficits that a variety of tax increases to prevent bankruptcy will mean that the nation’s entrepreneurial class will pay between 60 and 65% of their incomes in taxes —“spreading the wealth” in pursuit of “redistributive change.”


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