Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"Honey, I dropped my earring in the Arugula!" I imagine this tidbit of conversation between Michelle and Barrack Obama, the presidential standard bearers of the party of the ‘common man’, the Democrat Party. Speaking for the ‘common man’ will be the most elitist couple in presidential history; that at least was the opinion of the loser in the Democrat primaries for the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. The Obamas are not quite "the same as you and I" to paraphrase F. Scott Fitzgerald’s observation about the elites who move in different circles than the workers and toilers of the world.

First the earring. Last week Michelle Obama, thinking she was showing solidarity with working women, remarked about the stimulus rebate checks. "You're getting $600 - what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, ..... and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings." Imagine the quandary of the audience of working women in Pontiac, Michigan. Should they clap and cheer wildly, as the script called for, or should they use their hands to cover up their earring-less ears so as not to embarrass Michelle. Or maybe they all had earrings purchased with their stimulus checks. It could be that working women in Michigan are not the same as Ohio working women who used their check for food , gas or a much need but long delayed household purchase. But Michelle does think she knows what would help working women in Ohio; in Zanesville, an economically depressed area, she urged women "move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry." It really is so tacky for women (and men) to actually work for wages and to better themselves as they support their families. I do wonder how a multimillionaire like Michelle got a stimulus check. I assume the $600 earrings went into her junk jewelry drawer.

Then there is the Arugula. A few weeks ago, Barrack campaigning in Iowa, getting to know the ‘regular folk’ and showing how he shares their pain remarked, "Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and seen what they charge for Arugula? I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff." Again the crowd was challenged. Should they applaud and cheer Barrack’s being a man of the people or whip out the Blackberry or iPhone to find out what the heck Arugula is and where is the nearest Whole Foods store? Arugula is lettuce for snobs and the nearest Whole Foods store was 200 miles away in another state. I was in a Whole Foods once and it sort of creeped me out. Instead of grocery shopping you are supposed to have an ‘experience’. I was surrounded by exotic fruits and vegetables, organic produce, fair traded products, tasteful displays, well dressed (of course you ‘dress’ to grocery shop) but anorexic women, who yes, they were wearing earrings, glided about tastefully filling carts with politically correct products, many of which they will never really eat. Believe me, they were not the same as you and I in Fayette County.

Michelle Obama has similarly come under fire for saying her husband’s candidacy made her proud of her country for "the first time in my life". Now here they are running for First Couple of the United States and they have never really been proud of the United States! Elitists who have lived the privileged life from birth, had the best schooling in the Ivy League colleges, have never held a job that produced a single widget, farmed an acre of land or contributed to the growth of the Gross National Product - they have reservations about the United States! It has been uncovered via the internet and bloggers ( mainstream media rarely reveals unsettling details about ‘their’ first couple ) that the Obamas are opportunists who have ‘gamed the system’, consorted with radicals, been followers of demagogue preachers and profiteers in shady real estate deals. Yet they think America has not done enough for them!

I came across a line from a blogger: "A society of sheep will in time beget a government of wolves." Think about the performances of Obama’s supporters at his rallies. They shout, wave, faint and ‘baa’ like sheep. Think too about his verbal gaffs and mis-speaks that his followers don’t hear, but merely re-interpret as deep understanding and great oratory. They don’t hear, see or worry about an elitist, liberal, socialistic, pessimistic and out-of-touch, shallow character who is their choice for President. A plan to sponsor a Nascar team was proposed by Obama’s campaign team; it would have been a brilliant but disingenuous political move. But the deal fell through probably because his advisors concluded nobody who counts goes to Nascar events. Anyway, fans would be in for a sad awakening when they found out that Obama was not like them. Generally Nascar fans, like most Americans, are opposed to limitations on liberty and higher taxes to support a bloated government. However, Obama’s sheep, mostly elitists, liberals and students clutch onto a clueless hope for ‘change’ and don’t realize they are being led to slaughter. When the Alpha wolf from the White House enters their pen some dark, foreboding night, change will come. Hope will be lost. Obama, Obama. Baa, baa, baa.


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