Thursday, March 27, 2008

I have a button that proclaims, " I AM SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS !"which my family objects to my wearing in public because they feel it reflects poorly upon them. But when I was reading the opinion page on Thursday’s, March 27, RECORD HERALD, I had to find my button and put it on. Columns by Donald Kaul and Kelle Louailler, members of the Certified Loony Left, demanded that I wear appropriate attire when reading their wacky rambles.

Comrade Kaul applauds films nominated for Oscar awards because they "reflect grim life." One thing they all have in common besides extolling anti-Americanism is that the films were all losers. They lost money and audiences avoided them in droves; what better recommendation to Hollywood elite than to proclaim them true art. The obscenely wealthy of Hollywood like nothing better than to attack "predatory Capitalism." Of course, they are major beneficiaries of Capitalism and feel guilty about making so much money from crap.

Comradess Louailler in her screed urges America to "Vote for worst corporations." She prattles on about how corporations are the enemy of the environment, public health, economic justice, obesity and diabetes. Poor, poor Kelle does not realize that Americans have already voted. I took a quick look at the stock prices of her ‘worst companies" and found that while the S&P 500 Stock Index only went up 22% in the last 10 years, the stocks of her villains went up considerably more. Wal-Mart up 100%, Toyota up 100%, Archer Daniels up 75%, Nestle up 60% and Wendy’s up 53%. Only Mattel went down by 40% and I ascribe that to sexism; Barbie at 50 has lost her sex appeal from her teenage years. I surmise that any corporation that Comradess Louailler would approve will lose money and depend on a government subsidy to produce products that American don’t want. Like most Hollywood art films.

I am sure Kaul and Louailler must be giddy over the economic plans of Democrat candidates Obama and Clinton. Both plans are designed to reduce all Americans to equal misery and poverty.


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