SHOCKER: Hidden camera catches wireless company employees passing out ‘Obama phones’ to people who say they’ll SELL them for drugs, shoes, handbags and spending cash. “The ‘Lifeline’ free-cell-phone scheme cost $2.2 Billion last year alone, all of it from fees added to the phone bills of paying customers. The biggest beneficiary other than low-income consumers is billionaire Carlos Slim Helu, whose TracFone has collected $1.5 Billion to date.”
When James O'Keefe, whose Project Veritas is a perennial thorn in the side of progressive policymakers, sent an undercover actor into a Stand Up Wireless location in Philadelphia, the man's stated purpose was to buy drugs.
"Once you guys give me this phone, it's my phone?" he asked an employee inside a Philadelphia brick-and-mortal [sic] Stand Up Wireless location. "I can, like, sell it and stuff?"
:Whatever you want to do with it," the worker replied.
"So I'm [going to] get some money for heroin," he offered.
The employee coolly responded, "Hey, I don't judge."
Related: If the FBI is investigating IRS misconduct, why hasn’t it talked to any Tea Partiers?
One month later, the facts don't seem to have taken Mr. Holder or his employees to any of the nationwide victims of IRS targeting. The American Center for Law and Justice represents 25 organizations suing the IRS for its illegal targeting. A spokesman for the center says that as of Friday not a single one of its clients in this case had been contacted by Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who represents nine organizations subjected to IRS targeting, says that neither she nor her clients have heard "a word" from federal law enforcers.
Tariffs are indeed a way of protecting American workers – from other American workers.
INSTITUTIONALIZED CHILD ABUSE: Suspension won’t be removed for five-year-old grilled over cap gun who then peed his pants. “School officials in Calvert County, Maryland have denied a request to expunge the suspension of the kindergartener who brought a plastic cap gun on a school bus last month and then wet his pants during a subsequent interrogation.”
Tar. Feathers.
Unsilenced Cal
80/20 Rule
Steady for the past 9 years, the smoking rate in the U.S. 19%. YEP! Now the news!
No matter have much anti-smoking money spent, how many citizens harassed, how high taxes soar go, how deep shame reaches, how completely freedom and God-given rights suffer, how often young mush brains fill up with propaganda - the rate of smoking in the U.S. drops only 1%, to 18% . YEP!
God blesses human nature with laws beyond the government’s control. YEP!
SHOCKER: Hidden camera catches wireless company employees passing out ‘Obama phones’ to people who say they’ll SELL them for drugs, shoes, handbags and spending cash. “The ‘Lifeline’ free-cell-phone scheme cost $2.2 Billion last year alone, all of it from fees added to the phone bills of paying customers. The biggest beneficiary other than low-income consumers is billionaire Carlos Slim Helu, whose TracFone has collected $1.5 Billion to date.”
When James O'Keefe, whose Project Veritas is a perennial thorn in the side of progressive policymakers, sent an undercover actor into a Stand Up Wireless location in Philadelphia, the man's stated purpose was to buy drugs.
"Once you guys give me this phone, it's my phone?" he asked an employee inside a Philadelphia brick-and-mortal [sic] Stand Up Wireless location. "I can, like, sell it and stuff?"
:Whatever you want to do with it," the worker replied.
"So I'm [going to] get some money for heroin," he offered.
The employee coolly responded, "Hey, I don't judge."
Related: If the FBI is investigating IRS misconduct, why hasn’t it talked to any Tea Partiers?
One month later, the facts don't seem to have taken Mr. Holder or his employees to any of the nationwide victims of IRS targeting. The American Center for Law and Justice represents 25 organizations suing the IRS for its illegal targeting. A spokesman for the center says that as of Friday not a single one of its clients in this case had been contacted by Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who represents nine organizations subjected to IRS targeting, says that neither she nor her clients have heard "a word" from federal law enforcers.
Tariffs are indeed a way of protecting American workers – from other American workers.
INSTITUTIONALIZED CHILD ABUSE: Suspension won’t be removed for five-year-old grilled over cap gun who then peed his pants. “School officials in Calvert County, Maryland have denied a request to expunge the suspension of the kindergartener who brought a plastic cap gun on a school bus last month and then wet his pants during a subsequent interrogation.”
Tar. Feathers.
Unsilenced Cal
80/20 Rule
Steady for the past 9 years, the smoking rate in the U.S. 19%. YEP! Now the news!
No matter have much anti-smoking money spent, how many citizens harassed, how high taxes soar go, how deep shame reaches, how completely freedom and God-given rights suffer, how often young mush brains fill up with propaganda - the rate of smoking in the U.S. drops only 1%, to 18% . YEP!
God blesses human nature with laws beyond the government’s control. YEP!
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