Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Sandy Hook Elephant?

What Sandy Hook Elephant? Here in Ohio no one sees the 450 lb elephant in the room ( jail cell) or asks how the convicted killer up for execution got to weight 450 lbs. while in prison for over 20 yrs. Instead, we claim he’s too fat to humanely be put to death. There in Connecticut, no one sees the sociopath (one of a modern budding, bumper crop) reaping what our unGodly, undisciplined society has sown over the years. Everywhere, the devil cleverly disguises himself - either as a elephant or a gun-toting, murderer. No floral or verbal testimonials will solve our cultural problem. The devil smiles because he knows no one asks the proper questions or address the appropriate solution: ‘Respect life, live responsibly, love yourself as a likeness of God.’


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