Oh No! Ho Ho & Twinkie got to go!
Oh No! Ho Ho & Twinkie got to go!
Michelle is doing her waggle dance in the White House as middle America goes into a sugary food depression and mourning. Only 10 days after Obama’s re-election based upon a resurgent economy, Little Debbie, Ho-Ho and Twinkies enter bankruptcy because they can’t do business profitably anymore. Why? Union demands. A mad frenzy has started as middle Americans dash from store to store to lay in an eternal supply of Little Debbies, Ho-Ho’s & Twinkies. Soon there will be fisticuffs in the aisles over the last Twinkie. Oh the humanity of it!
In our day, the rare Twinkie in your lunch bag meant you could ditch the dry sandwich and chuck the apple and just savor the Twinkie. I never knew anyone so low as to eat a Little Debbie or a Ho-Ho though - we were too classy.
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