Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Can a platform without God hold up a nation?

Can a platform without God hold up a nation? Apparently, the Democratic Party believes so; God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National platform and Obama will run on that platform. The platform is the statement of core beliefs of the party and its candidates; and God ain’t there. A new level of rejection of the western Christian tradition has been reached. Onward non-Christian soldiers! Some critics will suggest that when you have planks in your platform that support abortion rights and gay marriage then it's no wonder that God's name would be dropped. But if ‘abortion’ and ‘gay rights’ are the new sacraments of the Democrat Party, what is the new deity? Government. Yes, government “Is The Only Thing We All Belong To." according to the video shown at the convention and applauded by Democrat delegates. Your rights come from government not that old fashioned deity. Also dropped is recognition that Jerusalem is capital of Israel. No matter what those pesky Israelis believe, the Democratic platform states that there will be an ‘international commission’ to name Israel’s Capital. I am sure the Democrat Platform ends with: “ I am Barack Obama, and I approve this message.”


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