I came across this in the Washington Examiner. Don’t know who Lavaux is but his point is well taken. Stay on message and don’t get distracted by past or trivia.
Lavaux, Christian, husband of one and father of two, American ex-pat, international lawyer, classical liberal. Hear him.
“Let's stop noodling around in Obama's background and focus on what we know about him from his past three and a half years as our president.
1. Obama is a lousy statesman and a great politician.
2. Obama has failed the Office of President as well as the country he governs, yet his political skills give him a decent shot at winning another term despite his record.
3. Obama will say anything no matter how untrue and do anything no matter how destructive to build the Obama brand - he's in this job for himself and his vision for America.
4. Obama believes himself entitled to the job, entitled to exploit the perks of the job, entitled to our love, and entitled to impose his will on us.
5. Along with ego, identity and self-image, Obama is motivated by ideologies and values most Americans do not share with him.
6. Obama does not understand or like America as is.
These things more than justify our flushing this guy from our political system, so let's get the job done.”
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